1 | Just...Harry

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Harry Styles

The sweat drips down from the back of my hair and down in between the slick skin of my neck and the collar of the shirt that is underneath my royal blue suit. I loved this look. When I saw it on the racks of the possible outfits I could wear tonight, this one immediately caught my eye. 

My ears are ringing and my body is buzzing, the only way there is to describe it, is that I feel the way that television static looks. The adrenaline courses through my veins as I run off stage after blowing kisses and giving a final thank you to every section of the packed arena. 

I can hear the screams getting softer and softer as I make my way back to my dressing room, accepting the praises from the usual people such as Jeff and Sophie, my hairstylist, for such a great show. I swing open the door and pull my sticky arms out from underneath the suit jacket unbuttoning my black shirt soon after, relishing in the relief my skin feels from the cool air in the room. Slinging the jacket over the back of the chair that I sat in just hours before while getting my hair fixed, I take the room temperature water bottle from the counter and finish it in what feels like just seconds. 

I let myself fall back on the couch and take a deep breath. Another day, another show. I am so grateful to live this life, but at times it can be so overwhelming. These moments of downtime where I am by myself for even a mere ten minutes are very much appreciated. Jeff knows that after a show, I need time for myself and thank god everyone understands. 

I let my head rest on the back of the couch and bring my hand to my stomach, feeling the bare skin there between the shirt that is still on my body. Nashville really took it out of me tonight, but this city, there is just something about it. Maybe it's the fact that I can be here without being bothered. It's not like New York or LA where every time a celebrity steps onto the street, a paparazzi comes out of nowhere. I don't have to be on as my guard here. It's nice. 

I know that Mitch had mentioned to me something about going out, but I really just wanted to go home to the condo that I secretly own here. That's another thing about Nashville that I love, realtors don't give a shit who you are and are not going to sell you out. But I have another two days here, that I purposefully built into the schedule to go to a studio here. I have a few friends here in the music industry, and the studios here are so much more laid back than in LA. 

I lift myself off the couch and head for the shower that I should have gone straight into once I got into the dressing room. I peel my clothes off and stand under the searing hot water, letting it soothe the ache in my lower back that I always seem to have after a show. I wash my hair with whatever it is that Sophie left in here for me and rinse off one good time before I step out and dress myself in light wash denim jeans that have holes in the knees and a plain white t-shirt. I don't have to try hard to fit in here, everyone is so laid back that it makes it easy to forget who I am, even if it's just for a night. 

Slipping my feet into the comfy black old-school vans that have quickly my new favorite street shoe, I run my hands through my hair, finally picking up my phone and wallet and slide them into my back pocket. By now, all the fans have probably dispersed into the bars that line the street of the arena or are at least gone from the area. 

When I emerge from my room I am met by Mitch and Sarah who have huge grins on their faces. 

"What a show that was," Mitch says as he leans off the wall from where he was standing with Sarah and pats me on the shoulder. 

"Yeah, something about Nashville just brings it out of me, y'know?" I shrug and start to walk down the hallway to the garage where the car was waiting for us. They follow behind so I glance over my shoulder and let myself grin at them as they are cuddled into each other, their steps in sync. They work so well together that it's almost sickening. 

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