26 | Let's Go Home

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Surprising Harry was as hard as Mitch and Sarah made it out to be.

The motherfucker couldn't leave well enough alone and I almost ruined it at least three times when I could physically feel him pouting through his text messages.

I knew I had to be at this show. It was all he was talking about leading up to the day of. He was overwhelmed and rightfully so. His life was about to change course all over again.

In the past few weeks we've known each other, I can tell that change is something he struggles with. Which is why whatever this is between us surprises me. I find myself constantly thinking that one day I'm going to wake up and this has all going to have been a dream.

But no matter how many times I have found myself thinking that, it's always proven that this is in fact not a dream. When I reached out to Sarah, she lost her shit. We have been talking here and there ever since I met her in Vegas.

I really like her. I like everyone Harry surrounds himself with. But, I'm trying not to get too caught up though no matter how "whipped" I am for him. I know that at any moment this could end and sometimes losing a group of friends is just as hard as losing the person.

Mitch was rather excited when he overheard Sarah and me on the phone and immediately set out to call Jeff and help get this coordinated. After asking me several questions and refusing to let me pay, I had an email with an itinerary that left me spending a week with Harry.

One. Whole. Week.

I'd be lying to myself if I wasn't over the moon excited, I just hoped that he would want to be around me for that long. But I know that's just my head, he's literally just as whipped as I am.

It's been hard not telling anyone though that I'm talking to Harry Styles and especially keeping it from my mom, well. It kills me. But I just want to make sure that this is heading in the direction I think it is before I even think about mentioning it to my friends and family. They think I'm in LA for a business trip, which I guess is the upside of being in the entertainment business and seeing Harry.

When I landed at the airport, I was whisked away by the gate attendant down onto the tarmac just like I was in Las Vegas and I internally roll my eyes. I know they wanted to provide me safety but I literally did not care to take an Uber and handle this myself.

The car took me to Sarah's house which is a quaint home tucked into the hills that's just as colorful as I expected it to be. No one was there, but that was the plan. They were at some restaurant in Malibu when I was getting ready and Sarah kept texting me saying how he was pouting because I wasn't talking to him.

I hated doing that to him, but part of me found a little bit of joy in knowing he was that worked up over not talking to me. It will come back to haunt him later when I teased him.

Standing in the crowd in my leather matching skirt and jacket, no one knew who I was but he sure did. His face, when he saw me on the barricade, was priceless and I hope and pray that Helene caught it. She knew I was going to be here because Sarah told her so the possibility of his face being caught on camera is high.

Having him fuck me like that wasn't exactly in my plans, but god I've missed feeling him and being with him like that. It's not the same, having to get myself off alone in my bedroom. But now that tour is over, I can't help but dream about the possibilities of us spending more and more time together.

Now, here we are, walking hand in hand down the long corridor in silence. It's not a bad silence, I can just tell he needs a second to compose himself before being in a room full of people throwing praises at him.

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