Chapter 2

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With the winds dying down and the dust storms slowly dissipating, Principle Bump and his little quartet of students, all trailing behind him, approach the aforementioned save haven. Upon arrival, everyone, except Bump, slumps up against the stone-cold walls of the dimly lit cave, exhausted from their battle through their many obstacles.

"Is everyone okay?" Bump asks everyone in concern, taking a breath between words.

"I'm not." Skara responds. "I mean, look at all this dust on my new clothes. I just got these."

"I think everyone is okay," Willow interjects, looking around at the rest of the group. "but I have a feeling that not everyone is here."
Principle Bump, having difficulty seeing inside the cave, proceeds with a roll call. Going through the list of names in his head, he calls out everyone's names. The students responded with either a 'here' or 'present'. Continuing on, he calls out another name.


No response.

He tries again. "Amity Blight."

Again, no response. Beginning to slightly panic, Bump realizes that his top student is missing; he doesn't realize another student is missing as well.

"Uh, sir? I don't hear or see Luz at all either." Gus noted.

Upon hearing this unfortunate news, Bump issues a new plan of action, albeit a plan that could cause more headache than relief.

"We will have to look for those two in the morning. They can't be too far from here. I will need you all to split into two teams to help locate Amity and that human girl while I search by my lonesome. Any questions?"

Nodding their heads 'no', Bump takes this as his cue to sit on the ground, putting his old, rugged backpack on the ground.

"Alight, then it's settled. Hope everyone is comfortable. We have a long day tomorrow.

The sun had begun to plaster it's shining glory onto the outer walls of the cave, with some of the light seeping inside, blanketing it's warm comfort on the back of the two individuals sound asleep. Rolling over, Amity put her had on Luz, causing her to wake up suddenly, her eyes darting open. Looking over, Luz saw Amity spread out across the cave floor with one arm under her head that rested on her backpack, and one arm near Luz where she last accidentally touched her. The smile on her face, although small, was clearly visible.

"I wonder what she's dreaming about. It must be pleasant." Luz thought.

She looked outside the cave and noticed that the darkness she knew as of yesterday had been replaced with a fill of faint, golden light. She, then, turned over to Amity, reaching out her hand and grabbing a hold of her shoulder.

"Huh?" Amity questioned sluggishly, her eyes unfolding to sight of Luz sitting up, peering at her. She arose in her sitting position stretching her arms over her head.

"It's finally morning, sleepy head." Luz said, looking at Amity's messy aquamarine hair. "We should probably head out and look for the others. They're most likely worried about us."

"Oh right, the others..." Amity trailed off, looking down at the ground. A frown appeared across her face.

The two stepped out of the cave, looking in various directions across the vast wilderness that is presented before them. Deep valleys full of tall, red oakwood trees scattered a plenty across the columns of red, orange, and yellow leaves that engulfed the rich soil grounds. Mountains retreated to the back of the landscape, peaking above the trees with a misty fog cloaking their presence; snow was coated on top of them. Luz and Amity mouths agape at the breath-taking scenery.
Luz looks down beyond the ramp of rocks she used to carry Amity, unsure on which direction she came from. Quickly looking from the left side of the forest and to the right side, she points to the left side.

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