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Written with: beyondsevenexokidsx

In ONEUS and ONEWE's dorm were the girls who are having their girl's day in, you can hear laughter and chatting from the girls sitting on the floor in the living room. They were playing truth or dare before going to bed. ONEUS and ONEWE were at RBW working on promotions for the day.

"Alright! This should be one last truth or dare round," The girl with rainbow blonde hair said.

A girl with green eyes sat near the rainbow girl had her head hanging low, her friends had embarrassed some already, she didn't want to be more embarrassed. "W-who's turn?"

"Dayoung, it's your turn to ask someone," the rainbow girl, Taehee, said.

The green eyed girl, Dayoung, glanced at her friend shuttering softly. "Minjee, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." Minjee answered

"Is it true that you forgot Yonghoon's birthday?" Dayoung asked, smirking softly.

Minjee blushed embarrassed and nodded softly.

"But don't tell him please," Minjee begged.

Minjee pulls her hoodie up to hide her face. Taehee chuckled softly.

"It's happened to all of us, Minjee," Taehee said.

"Really?" Minjee asked.

"Yes," Taehee said.

"Ok," Minjee said then she looked at everyone, "I got one last dare for all of you. I dare we all go out to an abandoned school and spend 48 hours there."

"An abandoned school?" Dongmi asked, shocked.

"Won't the guys be mad if we do this though?" Dayoung asked, worried how Giwook would react.

"That sounds so fun!" Lucy cheered loudly.

"S-sounds scary..." Jihoon whispered.

"I don't know about this, Minjee. Remember what happened last time you dared all of us to go on the hiking and some of us got hurt," Taehee said.

"The guys won't know, but we can leave the note or message to them so they can know where we are going. It shouldn't take that long, plus we all need some camping and explore to get out of this dorm," Minjee said.

Lucy was eager already, "Dongju can last two days without me it'll be fine."

"Dongju can last without you, sure, but Dongmyeong and Gunmin struggle without me and Dongmi." Areum commented.

Dayoung blinked her green eyes slowly. "L-let's do it."

"I just hope Hwanwoong doesn't get worried..." Taehee mumbled.

"Same with me Lucy, Yonghoon can handle without me," Minjee said.

"Grab what we need for the next two days and meet at the van," Taehee said before getting up to pack a few clothes and other camping stuff.

Minjee nodded and got up to pack her stuff. Lucy, Areum and Dongmi started packing, Jihoon ran to Youngjo's room grabbing one of his hoodies.

Dayoung went to Giwook's room and stood there a minute thinking. "I'm sorry Wook... A dare is a dare.." She whispered grabbing his favorite hoodie and bucket hat holding them close to her, she packed the hoodie and put the hat on, packing a few other things she had before going down to the van.

Minjee and Taehee were already at the van putting the bags and sleeping bags into the van. Taehee checks the list on everything they would need like a tent. Minjee went to grab some food for the next 48 hours. "Everybody has everything?" Jihoon asked, arriving last.

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