Finding out (part-1)

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Summer's pov:
The dinner went really silently as always. I went there and wanted to talk to them but I couldn't. I can't say a single word. I know I did a lot of thing in the past which was wrong. I shouldn't have done what I did. I know I was wrong but they are my parents. At least for once they should have been there for me. I understand they doesn't want to talk to me but I'm still there daughter. Anyway after the dinner I came back to my room. And then I started to find out who the person was,the guy who hacked my account. After hours of searching, I finally found out. It was a guy named Ryan Salvatore. He thought only he is good in technology we'll meet me then.

Ryan's pov (hours before hacking Summer's account):
It was 6 in the morning. I'm definitely a morning person and I don't really get it how can some people sleep so late,like come on. Anyway I woke up at 6, got freshen up and I went outside for jogging. I love to jog , specially in the winter season. After an hour of jogging I came at my home. Now my home isn't that big. Since my parents aren't that rich. But I work, so that I can give my sister a better future. I never say a single thing about my work to anyone because it is illegal. I hack rich people's account and ask money from stranger. I hate people in general. Specially rich people. They get everything they want. All the rich kids are spoiled. They get to know what happiness is. They don't know anything what happens in the world and that's why I chose their account to hack. So that they know what pain, tension means. Anyway I came back home and my parents were already up. But my sister Betty was sleeping. I went inside, had my breakfast went into my room, took shower and then I started to see whose account should I hack next.
"I've to hack someone's account who is totally different from me, who has a perfect life." I said to myself.
"Let's see who that guy will be this time."
After an hour or so I found an account. And this time it wasn't a boy. I found a girl's account. Her name is Summer Jones.
"Well well well ,she is really rich,she actually has.a great life. Summer Jones, your life is going to be a hell now."
I don't really need much time to hack someone's account. It took only 15 mins to hacked her account. After hacking I blackmailed three people for money. It was late now so after asking for money I changed into my comfortable clothes and went to sleep since it was really dark outside. I was in my phone since morning doing nothing , but after lunch I started to hack her account. Anyway I don't really eat at night that much so I went to sleep.

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