Junior Class

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Anne Maria: helps run the fashion club, in theater, cheerleader, doing well enough to remain in clubs, almost burned down the science room by spraying her hair spray during a science project including fire, has a small crush on Lightning

Beverly "B" White: Plays trombone in band, choir teacher's student helper, has made relatively good friends with Dawn, Brick and Noah, does well in school, often has others cheating off of him because other think B won't report it, autistic, non-binary, asexual 

Brick McArthur: Trans man, pansexual, team player, the insane bastard who likes group projects, in the fashion club, in the cooking club, bass in choir, drums in band, makes friends relatively easy, tries to be Jo's friend but it doesn't seem that Jo wants to be friends

Cameron Wilkins: Was the one who started the study group, doesn't have many friends, but he cherishes the ones he does have, gets bullied by Jo (he's gotten used to it), does every project he gets to choose a topic on with the topic of mental health awareness or lgbtq+ issues, someone asked if he was gay and his response was "not gay, just ace.", in the robotics club

Dakota Milton: the most popular girl in the junior class, dating Sam, her best friend is Zoey, joined the robotics club because Sam liked it, has a really good friendship with Noah (surprising everyone), in the fashion club, in the cooking club, soprano in the choir

Dawn Summerfield: cannot keep secrets from this girl, she knows all, in the newspaper club, plays flute in band, on the swim team, volunteers at the same animal shelter as Bridgette, DJ and Trent, the freshman and sophomores think she's pretty cool

Josaline "Jo" Wright: don't you dare call her Josaline, tough, on the basketball team, on the track team, on the swim team, doesn't have many friends, pretends she doesn't like Brick being around (but she secretly likes having him around)

Ruldolph "Lightning" Jackson (yes, that's his real canon name):  sports star, pushes himself to do well in school and everyone thinks it's so he can gloat, he hopes he can impress his dad, picks on Cameron, Mike, Zoey and Sam (not Dakota though. he's scared of her.)

Michael "Mike" Fernandez: in theater and is really good at it, has plenty of friends, gets made fun of for his DID sometimes and if he's Mike he ignores it (they just better hope Vito or Mal aren't fronting because ooh man), plays trumpet in band, tenor in choir, in the newspaper club

Sam Miller: dating Dakota, in the robotics club, taking shop class, helps with lights and sound for concerts, plays, etc., often gaming if he doesn't have homework, got caught a few times playing his GameGuy during class, relatively good student

Scott Ross: constantly working, kind of a bully to everyone, average student, has gotten detention a few times for making snarky remarks at teachers, dated Courtney but ultimately ended things with her, has been known to have a softer side (but he doesn't ever show it), he avoids Dawn, she thinks it's because he doesn't like her, he just doesn't want her finding everything out

Staci Davis: Will talk your ear off, was chosen for the debate team by Courtney after seeing how long Staci could go on if she was passionate, made friends with a few of the sophomores, Zoey hangs out with her sometimes, joined theater (and impressed everyone)

Zoey Green: The friendliest person in the junior class, tries to make friends with everyone and knows everyone by name, gives new kids tours of the school, plays trumpet in band, soprano 2 in choir, in the fashion club, in the cooking club, has some trouble studying but overall a good student, teacher's favorite student 9/10, dating Mike, best friends with Mike, Cameron, and Dakota, befriended Staci (who's actually really nice)

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