but i wouldn't mind making some music with you😼


walmart kenma🤧
chan's falling in love
chan.exe has shut down


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i sit there as i stare at my phone. WHY WAS I JUST SO BOLD WHAT. I PROBABLY HAVE TO SEE HIM AGAIN SOON. okay calm down. okay let's just go make some music. i walk into my room and decide to finally get ready for the day even though it's 11am. i have a shower and wash my hair before walking to my room wrapped in a towel. i look through my closet and choose a simple but cute outfit:

i dry my hair and plop down at my desk chair and began to pick apart his beat I've been working on

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i dry my hair and plop down at my desk chair and began to pick apart his beat I've been working on. i really like it but something is off about it and i'm determined to figure it out because I already have lyric ideas.


hours have passed and it is now 3pm. i still can't find the part thats off and its starting to piss me off. i need to go take a walk and clear my head. i grab my keys and phone and shove them into my purse before locking up my apartment. i walk down the hallway until i reach the apartment 3 doors away from mine, i knock softly and wait. the sweetest old lady i've ever met lives here. Eun Ae is in her late 70s and lives here alone with her dog hwan. The door opens and a smile is instantly brought to my face, I kneel down as the dog jumps onto my legs

"hello hwannie~" I coo at the fluffy dog, I pick him up and he leaps forward in an attempt to lick my face.

"ahhhh y/n. so nice to see you" Eun Ae welcomes me as i put hwan down. She gives me a hug and lets me inside.

"well i was just about to go for a walk and i thought why not bring my favourite little boy with me" i smile towards the dog running circles around my feet.

"oh, i'd appreciate that so much! he's been a little hyper today. thank you my love" Eun Ae says as she passes me hwan's lead and pats my hand. i smile and nod towards her before clasping the lead onto hwan's collar and walking out the door.
"y/n!" i hear and turn around.
"would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow? i'm cooking my chap chae that you love so much" she asks with a kind smile
"i'd love to!" i say happily before walking down the hallway. hwan becomes even more hyper and excited as he realises i'm taking him for a walk which causes me to walk with a grin on my face.


i return hwan to Eun Ae and walk back into my apartment. i walk into the living room and check the clock, it reads 4:23pm. i should go buy some groceries before it gets too late. i pick up my purse again and walk down to the car park before driving to the grocery store.


i get woken up by my phone falling off of my bedside table due to it vibrating so much. i groan and answer the call without checking who was calling.

"GUYS SHE ANSWERED ME" a familiar voice yells away from the phone.

"yeah yeah of course she answered you hyung!" another voice answers.


"hanji?" i mumble into the phone groggily. i hear an 'awhhh' before someone snatches the phone.

"n/n why did you answer chan's call but not miiiiine?" han asks, i can practically see the pout on his face through the phone.

"aaish shaddup. why are you blowing my phone up on a saturday morning. you know I stay up till like 4 on fridays!" i say into the phone.

"well um... you see. the eight of us (ot8 😗✨🖕) may or may not be waiting outside your apartment block" he answers.



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