moving froward

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Katie headed home. She had Christian radio on. She was singing along to the radio. She could not believe that she was really done this. She got in her car and went to see a man she only knew on the phone and the internet.  She almost turned the car around a few times. She had had an amazing weakened.
She was a little worried that he was just honoring her. Would he still be interested in her when she left?  Her happiness and excitement were replaced by fear.  She tried to dismiss her fears but they got more prominent.
It was a beautiful day. The sun was out. There was not a lot of traffic. It was a nice drive. She loved to drive. She enjoyed road trips.  She had sensed she was little.
It was an uneventful trip. She saw a sign saying welcome to.her home town. She wondered if she was the same person she was when she left town Sunday morning. Had her life changes irreparably. Would she look back? this weekend as a high turning point in the course of her life? She was not sure.
She felt like Cinderella after midnight. Had life gone back to normal? Was she the person she was before? She pulled into her driveway. She kept her promise and called matt.

Matt was waiting for her to call. He trusted the lord but it was still hard. He did not like the thought of her driving on her own. It was just An hour but still.  Anything to do with cars was a trigger for him.   He knew that God was in control. He knew that all of our times are in his hands. He would not fret.
He focused on working on his Wednesday night sermon. Then the phone rang. "Hello," he said. "Hi honey, I made it home." She said. "I am so glad," he said. "The ride was uneventful," she said. "I am glad. "He said. " I will catch you later. "She said." You got it hon. "He said.  
After she got off the phone with him, she got out of the car. Her family was there to greet her. He gave them all hugs and kisses. " how was it?' Her dad asked. "It was amazing. He is a sweet man. His kids are adorable. I met his sisters as well. They are really nice. " she said.
"I can tell you had a good time. "She said. She smiled. " I did. "She said. "I am so glad. "Her mom said. " are you thinking this could become something more permanent?" Her dad asked.
"I really do." She answered.
"I am so glad. I thought you did. " her dad said. "He seemed to like me. He showed me around the town. He likes to cook. He is good at it. " she said. "That's a plus." Her mom said. She laughed. "Yes it really is," she answered. 
"He is funny. It is dry humor. Dad jokes. " she said. "You two get along the bill. ", her mom said." he seemed nice on the phone. I think we will get along fine," he said. "I think so too," she said. 
After visiting do a while, she went out to the car. She unpacked her car. She went into the glove compartment. She thought to herself, what is this? She saw the envelope. It's said emergency fund. She opened it. There was a note attached to it.
"Dear honey, I slipped this into your car when you were not looking. I wanted you to have some emergency money. You can keep it as an emergency fund or use it for whatever. It's yours. It, not a loan. "
"I had a really good time with you. You are really sweet. You are good with the kids. It meant a lot to the girls. They really like you I can tell. Even Lindsey. Give her time, she will come around.  "
"I hope you have a great day. I miss you already. I hope to see you again real soon.  Love matt." 
She cried when she read his note. She put the envelope back in her glove compartment. She closed it. She finished bribing everything back inside the home.   She kept his note. She brought it to her room.
The pastor was glad to hear she was safe. he was glad that she was home. His fears were elevated. He took the time to thank the Lord. 
He continued to work on his message. He left the church around four. He headed home. It was not quite the same. He knew that she would not be there. He did miss her. It was hard knowing that she was an hour away.  He believed that this was part of there training. God uses absence as well as presence to bring couples closer. It helps in self-discipline. It was not easy.
He knew he would look back at it as a drop in the bucket. It would be a passing memory.  He knew that it was temporary. He was surprised. He really thought that he could never love again. He never wanted to let anyone in like he had Leah. Things were changing. He felt like he could let her in. He was still afraid to do so but he did want to let her in.
He came Into his home. His sisters and kids greeted him. They had diner and got ready for the midweek service. " you miss her?"Alesha asked."i do. She is only a couple towns over but she feels like a continent away.  "He said.
" I know what you mean. I feel like that with Tim. I know that the fact I miss him shows that I do care about him."Marissa said. " I know that.  This will pass, he said. "Yes it will," Alesha assured him.
He knew that they were right. He trusted the lot. He trusted in his plan. He knew that God will be done. He knew that it would be best.  
She rested a big. She took a shower and changed. She went to work. She worked at a sporting goods store. She was glad to be at work. She liked her job. She liked her co-workers. They knew that she was taking a mini-vacation.    She liked sharing the trip.
They went to church. He gathered an impromptu meeting of the deacons. He loved his deacons. Two of the deacons were part of his original missionary team from the parent church. Three we form mega-churches who went to those churches because they were the only even close to solid churches. two were saved during his ministry.  Another was formed another baptist church who came to help out.
"I am going to announce it at the service but I wanted to give you guys a heads up. The young.lady Katelin who visited Sunday. She and I are exploring a relationship. I spoke to her dad. I have his blessing to see her. She lives 40 minutes away. She stayed at a motel. When she came to the house, my sisters were there. I am committed to never being alone with her. I will not kiss her until the wedding.  I will not hold hands with her. Hugging may be limited but I am not sure. i will be transparent with you. Please hold me accountable. Please be open to me with any concerns or questions. I want my relationship and lord to wiling my marriage to honor him. My frame is but dust." He said
"I would like to congratulate you. I have been praying that the Lord would send someone your way.    We will continue to pray for you. We will work with you. I appreciate your transparency and humility. I appreciate your desire to honor the Lord and be a light to this community." Deacon Bradley korenon said. 
The meeting with the deacons went well. The meeting lasted about five minutes. Everyone dispersed and went to the auditorium and found their seats. The pastor came in. The pianist started to play.  After a time, the pastor called the service to order.
"An announcement not in your bulletin. You had a chance to. meet Katie the young lady who played the piano. She and I are going to explore a relationship. Please be praying for us as we seak the lords will And seek his direction.  " he said.
On their way, people from the church congratulated him. Everyone was happy for him. They said that they would be praying for him and his family.
She came home from work. She was tired out from her day. She thought about all that had happened during the last few days. She thought about matt and the girls. She could not wait to be his wife and their stepmother.
On Thursday night, he gave her a call. "Hi, honey!" He said."hi dear. "She said. " you still suffering from car lagg?" he asked. "A little. It has been a whirlwind of a few days.  I worked yesterday and worked today. I am getting there. " she told him. "I figure," he said.
"I saw the envelope. Thank you. You did not have to. " she said. "I know. I wanted to. I am not rich. I am not going to fulfill your every whim but I will care for you and provide for you.  "He said. " I have no doubt of that. I love how you care for me. "She said.
" I announced us at church!" he said "really? " she asked. "Yes I said that we were exploring a relationship,  " he told him. "You would not announce it if you were not serious about us would you?" She asked. "No, I would not. I want the church to get used to and used to the thought of you," he said. " glad. I.assume that your planning on keeping me around then. Your not kick curb" she said.
"No hon. Marriage is hard work. Even the godliest of couples have struggles.  A deal-breaker for ne is a willful rebellion against the lord or your patents, church, etc. It is a prolonged rebellion not simply making mistakes.  " he said.
"What about immaturity?" She asked "I understand your ten years younger than me. I respect that. I want to see a pattern of inconsistent behavior. In that case, I would consider ending things if there was a pattern of mutuality. So far I do not see that. I have seen the opposite.  You are responsible. I like what I see." He told her.
"I fear dusiponting you," she said. "You will disappoint me. It is inevitable. I will disappoint you. It will sting. It will hurt.  We will het though it. " he assured her.
"I am.not Leah. very different person." she said." I do realize that. I am not looking for a clone of Leah. "He Assured her." Ok good. I am glad to hear that. "She said. 
" I worry that when you get to know the real me you won't be interested. You know I wear pants. I don't wear dresses or skirts much outside of churches or special occasions. "She admitted.
" I assumed that was the case. "He said." I listen to contemporary Christian music. "She said. " I had a feeling. We will have to work on those issues. Some things will take more work."he said."ok. Don't give up on me ok?" She pleaded. A tear came down her face. He could not see it since they were talking on the phone. He could tell she was getting choked up. "I won't," he said.  "Good," she said.  
Next up
Her parents invite the pastor and family to come visit. 

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