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This chapter is dedicated to CiciManiez for voting for this story! TY:)


Just a reminder!
In case you have changed your username, don't hesitate to comment that so that I can change it in my dedication:)


A plastic packet of tablets landed straight on Geonhak's desk, interrupting his flow from his homework. He hissed in irritation but immediately apologised seeing Youngjo standing across him, smiling back shaking his head dismissively. "I got extra for this month. I hope it's more than enough."

His usual four sheets of suppressants, plus the two in case of his heat.

Geonhak could not help but feel relieved that Youngjo remembered, getting the impression he was too focused on taking care of Hwanwoong that he had started to forget about him. He also recalled that he had still not confirmed with him that the two were Fated, feeling a slight bit hurt. "Thanks. It'll do."

Gently patting his head, Youngjo headed back towards his seat, leaving Geonhak pained. Youngjo had started to become distant and Geonhak noticed it had started ever since he had collided with his Fated Omega, Hwanwoong.

He knew that he should let go of his possessiveness of Youngjo, but it was not as easy as he had thought it out to be. After all, almost two and a half year of him constantly looking out for him, treating him like he was his own Omega; it was a difficult path.

However, that did not mean he wanted to lose him. He still wanted him to be close to him, like a friend if not a mate. He had given him so much love, he couldn't just take it away from him.

Not soon after, Geonhak felt a knuckle knock the top of his head trying to earn his attention. Without even raising his head, he identified his new interruption, "What do you want, Lee Seoho?"

A hitch in the male's breath confirmed his guess, "How'd you- Never mind. Here you go. As you and I promised."

A brown paper bag hung from Seoho's hand which Geonhak labelled as the reason behind his cheeky grin. Sighing, not knowing what to expect inside of it, he reached out to take the bag from his grip, only to have it pulled back.

"What now?"

"Promise me you'll use them."

"Use what?"

"Just promise me."

Giving him an impatient nod, he held out his palm in between them for Seoho to place the mysterious paper bag on it, to look inside it to find tablets. Again.

"So much fuss over suppressants?"

His red and puffed up cheeks were a clear indication that Seoho was flustered, and according to Geonhak probably a little embarrassed, "You promised, okay! You better use it."

With a punch to the shoulder, Seoho turned to take the desk right beside him, his loud thump amusing Geonhak.

"What's wrong with him?" He mumbled under his breath as he shoved the new packet inside his bag, closely hugging Youngjo's plastic one.


Geonhak was not given even a second to breathe as a hand grabbed his wrist, motioning for him to get up from his seat the moment the bell rang for lunch.

Seoho's excited figure almost seemed to vibrate out of giddiness, struggling to pull Geonhak, a few exasperated sighs escaping both. Youngjo stood nearby chuckling, "Why are you pulling him for practice?"

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