25 - Christmas Special🎄

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This chapter is dedicated to _dustydream for voting for this story! TY:)


Just a reminder!
In case you have changed your username, don't hesitate to comment that so that I can change it in my dedication:)


Youngjo's thoughts were like a jumbled up ball of yarn, the knots constantly nagging him, begging for him to release them from their unnatural state.

He contemplated discussing his conversation with Hwanwoong to Keonhee due to the harsh direction it had taken in the end.

Ultimately, he ended up setting up a meeting time with him the next morning wanting to find a solution out of his problems.

Sleep was a foreign concept at this point, it always had been ever since he held his gaze with Hwanwoong's eyes. The spark within him always craving for the Omega, especially at night.

Several tosses and turns later, he sat straight up in his bed, his eyes drowsy but unable to completely engulf him into darkness.

"Today's going to be a rough night."


"You waiting for somebody?"

Soomin's genuinely curious tone inquired of the stiff figure sitting on the living room couch, his fingers constantly fidgeting with his phone.

Youngjo looked up to see Soomin take a seat next to him, her relaxed figuring adjusting the cushions to find a more comfortable position.

"Oh? Yeah, just a friend."

"Oh, so you were waiting for me?" She joked, gently hitting his shin with her foot, unknowingly easing him. The few months she had stayed in their mansion allowed him to get to the jovial girl with the frivolous flair for dramatics.

"Who said you're my friend?" He playfully retorted back, making Soomin feign hurt, placing her palm dramatically on her chest in offence.

"How could you, Kim Youngjo? Everything we had...did that mean nothing to you?!"

"How many dramas have you watched?"

Shrugging, she reached forward to take a sip out of Youngjo's glass of water, "It's called a natural talent."

Youngjo would not have minded, but he had gotten to know Soomin enough to know she had intentionally done that to annoy him, earning a slight smack on her back, just like when he would hit Keonhee whenever he would steal his food. "How did I find so over the top people as friends?"

"I know. It's hard to find people like me."

"Not really. My friend coming is actually exactly like you if not more."

"He must be a catch," she fanned herself, earning a chuckle from him.

"He's quite the handful. I'll just say that."

"Then I definitely want to meet the person who gets under your skin."

"No way am I allowing you both to meet. You two together, I will go crazy."

Right at that moment, the ringing of the doorbell echoed throughout the mansion, prompting Youngjo to get up and dash towards the door with Soomin calling out from behind, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Lightly shaking his head, Youngjo unlocked the door before any servant could even answer the door, surprising Keonhee to be personally greeted. "Hey. What's up?"

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