25 - Christmas Special🎄

Start from the beginning

"Come on in."

Youngjo intended to directly usher his guest to his room, but to his surprise Soomin stood right behind the door, jump scaring the two, "So you must be Youngjo's friend?"

Youngjo readied to give each of them a brief introduction of the other, but it seemed like it was unnecessary.

"Soomin?" Keonhee stared at the familiar girl, an accusing finger pointed at her.

"Keonhee?" Soomin returned the new arrival's finger, both their expressions shocked.

Youngjo was about to intervene again, enquiring how they knew each other beforehand but their questions continued, each overlapping the other.

"You didn't tell me you're living with each other?"

"You didn't tell me you knew Youngjo."


"You guys are what?!"

Keonhee smacked his palm across Youngjo's mouth, indicating for him to be quieter although they were in Youngjo's room.

"Are you deaf or just dumb?"

"So you knew the whole time that I was going to get engaged to your girlfriend? And you never told me!"

"What difference would it have made, Kim Youngjo?" Soomin's rhetoric question forced him to turn towards the female who had her hands on her hips, annoyed by his stupid question.

"Wait. Hold up! You lied! You said you weren't ever in a relationship."

"We had to hide it, you fool," Soomin explained calmly also while raising her hand to smack the top of Youngjo's head. Presumably to push some sense through his dense skull. "I can just go galavanting around screaming this to everyone, especially my possible fiancee. That time I didn't trust you enough."

"Rude. But, nevermind. Back to relationships," he paused to motion his hands towards the door in a polite manner, "Soomin, do you mind? This is kind of personal."

Soomin assessed Youngjo as a pretty reserved person in the few first days of her stay, therefore she understood the severity of the situation and immediately let herself out.

The door clicked shut and Youngjo's lips parted to talk, "There's a problem. Well, two now."

"What did the midget do now?"


"You guys fought, didn't you?" Youngjo did not need to lure out his curiosity as to how he knew about it, "He had been pulling me away a lot yesterday. Hell of a suspicion. So why did you guys fight?"

This was another situation in which Keonhee showed his intellect. He was always observing, analysing his environment thoroughly.

"I seriously don't know. He just lashed out saying he didn't want to bond with me. I didn't even bring that up. He just went on a rant."

Keonhee had taken a seat on the bed, his legs folded and his fingers holding his chin in thought, rewinding all of the previous day's events.

"He didn't mention anything yesterday."

Some more silence as his Keonhee now held his forehead, eyes clenched in deep thought and recall, a few probable solutions coming to his mind.

"Are you sure you didn't bring the bonding thing up?"

Youngjo vigorously shook his head, advancing towards Keonhee standing next to him, "No, but ever since I went to his house he's been acting weird."

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