The Kowalski connection

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You're staring in my direction, saying nothing. I look at you trying to figure out if you have noticed me as I walk into the library. My heart beats a little faster as I watch you without you knowing. You look deep in thought. I frown a little, wondering if everything is okay. I shouldn't have asked you to meet me here, surrounded by b00ks. The library is not somewhere you like to spend your time. Maybe we can visit Hogsmeade soon and find a cosy corner in The Three Broomsticks. You have books open all around you. Are you researching something? Charms? Divination? History of Magic? It is those classes you use to catch up on your sleep. It is obvious to me that you know more about magic than you let on. I said to myself I would never use Legilimency on you, so I won't. It would not be the right thing to do. I will let your knowledge like you continue to surprise me.
" Hey!" I smile, sitting down opposite you at the dark wooden table, trying not to make too much noise as I pull back the wooden chair on the polished floor.  I lean forward as you focus on me, returning from wherever your thoughts had taken you.
" Hello," you say with a smile and ask how Beatrice is.
I tell you with a relieved sigh that she is going to be okay after her ordeal by the lake. She may even be up for a game of gob-stones later.
" That's great," you reply and lean forward, " does she know you're The Gob-stone Queen?" rising an eyebrow as you kiss me softly on the cheek.
" I'll be gentle with her," I reply.
" Like you were with me?" You ask, pretending to be hurt.
If course I was out to beat you when we played. Gob-stones is all about winning. We got pretty serious about playing for awhile. I even won one of your prized yellow hoodies.
" How was your morning? " I ask. "Read any good pillows lately?"
" Cute," You reply with a smile and close the book in front of you. " This," you say pointing at the books " is just a cover. I've been thinking about sandwiches."
" There's nothing wrong with that," I reassure you. I tell you about my grandfather who was a great baker. He would bake Jacob and me niffler and erumpent shaped bread when he came to stay."
It's the first time I've mentioned my grandfather to anyone at school. I'm suddenly a little unsure if I should continue, but it's you. My grandfather isn't mentioned in wizard and witch history but he was part of it.  His best friend was Newt Scamander. My grandfather fell in love with a witch who was also a legimens. Her sister and Newt Scamander are married. I don't know what happened to the legimens sister. She was always reading his mind. I don't think it was because of  Legilimency that their relationship ended badly, but it could have played a part.
" Don't tell anyone will you, especially Merula and Ismelda. They're bound to laugh."
" I won't say anything, but I think magical creature bread is an awesome idea. I wish I'd thought of it."
You always manage to say the right thing.
" Can I mention your magical creature bread to Pitts."
" I think my grandfather patented his designs,"
I reply.
" You're grandfather was a smart wizard!"
" He was just a baker," I reply. " A non magical person."
" Who did magical things with flour and water and yeast."
You are right, of course.
You lean closer to me and whisper " Speaking of magical creatures I need to tell you about Charlie."
I try to stifle my interest as Madam Pince is approaching. She will be ready to hush us or even worse, kick us out, in a moment, muttering," Why can't you be good students?"
Doesn't she know we have far too much to chat about rather than study quietly over books in the library.
" Let's get out of here!" I suggest, closing another of her precious books.
" I thought you were going to show me the restricted section?"
I'm thinking there's more than one restricted section I'd like to show you. I want more
than to just kiss you and hold your hand.
" Later," I tell you with a twinkle in my eye. Do you know what you do to me? I want to be yours. I think you feel the same way too. We are right for each other. We gather the books together and return them to the bookshelves before we leave.

We grab a sandwich and spend our lunch amongst friends, who are curious to know where Charlie, Barnaby and Liz have gone together and if they are doing something for the Circle of Khanna.
They seem surprised when you tell them Charlie wanted to spend sometime outdoors with friends rather than go out alone. Then they want to know why he didn't ask them. It seems everybody loves Charlie Weasley.  He gets on with everyone at Hogwarts. Yet until now he has preferred to spend his time alone outdoors searching for magical creatures. He was on the top of a lot of students lists to have a date with back when we started thinking about dating. I have spent so much with him at school. He is a good friend. My mind wanders for a bit. I don't suppose we will see much of each other after we leave Hogwarts. He wants to study dragons and I want...
" What are you thinking?" You ask as we sit in the courtyard after lunch. I have to get ready for Quidditch practice later. I wonder if you would come and watch me?
" Have you thought about what you want to do after school?" I ask.
" Sandwich shoppe," you reply." Wizards and witches need something they can take away with their favourite drink of Butterbeer, pumpkin juice or fishy green ale. What d you think?"
" I love it!" I reply, thinking of my grandfather's bakery, Kowalski Quality Baked Goods. If I could get my dad to give you permission to use the magical creatures bread designs you would soon have your own vault at Gringotts. Quality Baked Goods sounds old fashioned. You would need something more up to date that doesn't suggest sitting down in a pub like The Leaky Cauldron.
" You could call it Kim's Ready to Eat," I reply.
You rub your chin thoughtfully and we sit swapping name ideas until Quidditch practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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