The wizard with the yellow hoodie.

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My search of the boathouse with Charlie goes well. We find a black quill and are able to reveal it is a message from my brother. Charlie leaves me so I can meet and talk with my brother.
Charlie makes his way back to the Gryffindor common room. You look up hopefully when Charlie comes in and then slouch back in the chair when you see I am not with him.  You soon go back to lightly sleeping. It seems you're good at taking a nap. So much so that I didn't notice you were in our Divination class for quite some time. Maybe it was because you were wearing your house robes and not your yellow hoodie. You'd probably disagree, but I think you look good in house robes. You stood at the back of the class or sat at one of the small round tables in the upper corner of the room. I was always down the front. You often found yourself lowering your head onto your arms to rest on the covered table. Were you there, because of me? Did you take your O.W.L. in Divination? Guess what? Neither did I. Professor Trelawney is more into prophecies than examinations anyway.
A couple of hours soon pass and when you wake up your concern about the lateness of the hour and where I've got to gets the better of you. Charlie has already gone to bed so you can't ask him. If Rowan had still been alive and burning the midnight oil over her books you would have asked her if she knew where I was.
You look around for someone who might know . You see Skye from the Quidditch team with some of the team.
You get up and approach Skye. She smiles knowingly at you. It seems word has reached her about our date.
You suddenly feel a little awkward. You haven't taken any special interest in quidditch. Maybe that will change too. I hope so. At some point I want to tell why it is important to me.
" I wondered if you have seen Samantha Morales?" You ask.
Skye checks with the others and they confirm that they haven't seen me since dinner.
" Would you mind checking her dorm?" You ask.
Skye obliges and soon returns with the news that my bed is empty. Skye asks if everything is okay. You reassure her that it is, but ask her to let me know you were asking for me if she sees me before you.
You don't want anyone else to worry, probably unnecessarily, but feel you need to go looking for me. You grab your signature yellow hoodie, one of several you own and leave  the common room, swapping it's warmth for the cool night air. You plan to take the many  steps down to the boathouse to look for me. You have your wand if you need to cast a lumos spell. Your plan soon changes. I am walking towards you, not looking my best, I'd be the first to admit. I have Beatrice leaning heavily against me.
You hurry towards me and offer to help carry Beatrice.
" We need to get Beatrice to the hospital wing," I explain, shivering a little. I am wet up to my waist from helping Jacob rescue Beatrice from the lake. I'm still wearing my festival outfit. I hope the knee length boots and cut off denim shorts aren't ruined. I love this outfit so much.
We waste no time in getting Beatrice to the hospital wing. Madam Hooch soon takes over and you are told to take Miss Morales back to her dormitory and make sure she gets a good nights sleep. We head back to the Gryffindor common room. I want to tell you everything, but I need to change into some dry clothes first and have something warm to drink. I'm already removing my boots when you say you know just the thing.

I soon find myself  in the kitchens with you. Pitts grumbles  at the sight of us up so late, but you have something that will persuade him to allow us to stay there for awhile and catch up. You tell him how you just have to share your secret ingredient hot chocolate recipe with him before the start of the new school year. Pitts appears to like your idea. You smile at me and go with him to make the best hot chocolate. I watch you making cocoa, feeling warmer already. I'm wearing jeans and your hoodie over my tee. You insisted I put it on as we took the changing staircases down to The Great Hall and the kitchens below. I've warmed up enough to take it off, but I like wearing it. It smells of you, which right now is better than me. Essence of lake water is not nice. You come back with steaming mugs of hot milky chocolate and sit down next to me.
As we sip our late night drinks I tell you everything that has happened from meeting  my brother to finding Beatrice floating in the lake. I tell you I don't want to lose anyone else. I'm worried about Beatrice. I suddenly remember I should tell Penny. You remind me that Madam Hooch will see she is told. I shiver. You look concerned and softly place your hand on my forehead. I tell you I'm fine and gently take your hand from my forehead and hold it in mine. It feels good to be with you again. You tell me that you don't want to lose me and lean in to kiss me. I close my eyes and kiss you back. Your lips are warm and taste of chocolate with a hint of cinnamon. I hope I don't smell too much of lake water and its contents. I really need to take a bath. Our kiss is interrupted by a pair of larger than average house elf feet appearing on the table alongside our empty mugs. They are attached to the rest of Pitts, who has climbed up onto the kitchen table to grab our attention. I guess the kitchen is not the place to make out.
" Pitts is not running a dating agency."
" I beg to differ," you reply, squeezing my hand and we both laugh. The kitchens are after all where we met. Still, it is late and we should get some rest. We say goodnight to Pitts. He watches us leave before turning back to his kitchen with, what another house elf might think,  is a smile on his face.

The witch who could read mindsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant