Wehrmacht Deleted Scenes 2

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This excerpt is from the scene where England and Wehrmacht fight at Ireland's house. The actual version has them crash down the stairs, but in this version, Wales jumps in the middle to stop them. 

Things to keep in mind: this is after Wehrmacht finds Ireland in the cemetery. Ireland is currently sick in bed and still somewhat mad at Wehrmacht.

This scene DOES NOT appear in the actual storyline.


Wales jumped out of bed and NI tried to stop him but the Welsh country dove straight into the brawl, worming in between the two fighters and praying they wouldn't hit him.

They didn't.

England had been rearing back for a punch but froze when Wales got in the way. His first thought was that Wales would get hit by Wehrmacht's incoming blow, but the German stopped too in surprise.

They backed away from each other, neither wanting to accidentally hurt Wales.

When England saw Wehrmacht back off, he reached forward and yanked Wales towards himself.

"What in the Queen's name are you thinking?" England demanded, holding Wales's shoulders tightly.

"Stop fighting!" Wales shouted, squirming away. "No fighting allowed! Father, you always tell us to be gentlemen in every situation, and starting fights is the exact opposite! And Wehr!"

Wales turned to the German, who looked a bit startled.

"No fighting other countries on Ireland's territory, remember?"

Wehrmacht held up his hands in surrender. "Self-defense. Couldn't help it." He pointed at England. "His fault." Then he muttered under his breath, "Why do I always get blamed for everything?"

England was thoroughly perplexed. Wales just scolded Wehrmacht. Scolded.

"I guess your presence invites trouble," NI said plainly to Wehrmacht.

"Well, Es tut mir leid for intruding on your tea party," Wehrmacht growled. "But in case you haven't noticed, you woke me up from my beauty sleep, invited the father of all teafuckers, and now I'm grumpy and need somebody to vent to."

"Ireland," NI and Wales both suggested at the same time.

"Christ," Wehrmacht grumbled. "Fuck it. I'll vent to the harp."

"Someone," breathed England, "explain to me this instant what the bloody hell is going on. Was there a truce I wasn't aware of?"

"Something like that." NI shrugged. "Only valid in Ireland, though."

"Why?" asked England.

NI and Wales both turned to Wehrmacht, who had attempted to sneak away and now looked instantly uncomfortable.

"Was?" (What) His German tongue was slipping. "Don't look at mich (me). Ireland made the deal."

"Explain," England said curtly.

"Ireland. Made. The deal." Wehrmacht glowered at England. "I don't need to explain myself to you. Ask Ireland." Then he paused and narrowed his eyes at England. "Should be easy. He's your son after all, I'm sure you two have a...solid...relationship."

England stiffened. There was a lot of meaning behind Wehrmacht's words. England still felt the weight of history on his shoulders—history with Ireland that he tried hard to forget.

Worry began to creep into his mind. He wasn't exactly on the best terms with Ireland. Hell, even Wehrmacht looked like he was on better terms with Ireland. And England knew he needed to be on his best behavior, considering he had come today to plead with his son.

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