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  Kirsten opened the door to a small cafe it was nice and homey. The smell of coffee brought warmth to Kirstens heart. "Hey Albert! Hey Jake!" Albert waved Kirsten over happily. "So.. Chill Café? Wasn't this the place you and Kaden had your first official date. Kirsten smiled gently watching her boyfriend blush. "I came here cause it's the closest café to home! Not cause it reminded me of Kaden!" Albert looked away embarrassed.

  Kirsten sat down by Jake. "Okay Jake, so why were we called here?" Jake beamed happily. "We have Intel on Kadens were abouts!" Albert peeked up. "What about them?" Jake sighed. "Not much but it's a lead. My detective friends swore to help me find anything that could lead to Kaden, and after all this time they pulled through!" A small folder was handed to Albert.

  Albert examined everything he could. Detail after detail. Albert thought all this evidence had to hold atleast one thing of use. He plopped the folder down and sighed. "This helps none.." Jake glared. "Did you see the codes Albert? They have to somehow lead to Kadens whereabouts. Albert sighed louder. "Paige and Adam turned against me. I would need one of them to decode these."

  Jake grumbled. "Albert if you really cared about him you'd do it yourself!" Albert bit his arm anxiously. "I don't know how.." Jake stood up. "I have to go. I hope you find Kaden. I can serve no more use Albert." Jake left and Albert was left to mourn. Maybe he'd never find Kaden... Something in him said he could. It also said he had to try.

  Albert wanted to try, but he felt so defeated. Kaden was a power source of sorts. Albert hadn't been charged for a long time. How much longer would his batteries last? Albert angrily slammed his head onto the table. He felt so angered. Why did getting Kaden back have to be so difficult? Maybe dialing his number would finally work? Maybe it was a cruel joke, and Kaden had come to his senses?

  Albert called Cleetus. He got disowned from John Heckersons group. He lived as a farmer with Joker kid and Red dress girl. Cleetus was living a good life. A life he wanted. Why couldn't albert have that? "Yes Albert need somethin'" the giggling from the other side of the phone distracted Albert. Why was Cleetus allowed to be so happy?

  It didn't seem fair. Albert believed in rights and wrongs. Maybe this was because Cleetus did a right? Possibly Albert did a wrong? Ignoring creations he made. Calling them "dead memes" maybe it was a punishment. Maybe some unknown god decided what happened to him. He wobbly stood up. "I-I need to go f-for a walk" Albert stumbled out the cafe.

  Tears dripped down Alberts eyes. He didn't realize Cleetus was still on the call till he heard a tiny "Albert?" Come from his phone. "Yeah sorry.. I have to go" Albert hung up and started running. Hoping his feet would take him to Kaden. That they knew were they were going, but he stopped were he always did. What used to be Felipes park. Now owned by someone named Ninja. A new meme Albert created. Hopefully to take Felipes place.

  Albert wondered around the park. His breathing shallow. Maybe there was a reason he was here again. A secret perhaps? Albert leaned against a tree out of breath. Something bonked his head. Albert looked down and saw something shiny and gold. He picked it up curiously. He decided to investigate it at home.

End chapter

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