I am jealous, but for all the wrong reasons.
"I like you." I whispered.
"I know, I like you too." She replied.
"No, not that..." I looked up to see her.
"Then what?" She sat down with me.

Your every move is elegant. Your eyes are glimmer with glee everytime I look at them. How are you like this? Why are you like this?

Why am I like this?

"I like you, but I LIKE you..." I said.
She giggled and gave me a hug.

The sudden stop brought me back here.
"Watch where you're fucking going!" A drunk man shook his fist in the air.
"My bad!" Moira shouted back, "Drunken bastard..."
I let out a chuckle.

We parked at the lot of a convenience store, where there seems to be only one person, and a buzzy neon sign.
"I'm getting coffee, want anything?" Moira offered.
"Yeah, I'll take a cup too. Maybe some chips? I'll pay you once I get home." I replied.
"Don't worry, this is on Gus." She exits the car.
I follow her inside, this place smells like the hospital.

I looked around the store and found one of those kiddy, push pop things.

They still sell these?

I walk towards the counter and Moira was already there paying for everything.
"You want that?" She pointed at the push pop.
"Uhh... yeah?" I tried to hide my excitement.
She took it from my hand and paid for it.

"Thank you!" Moira told the cashier.
No reply.

We walked out and I feel less suffocated than when I was inside.
I took a deep breath, and sighed.
"You wanna go home or you wanna eat here?" Moira asked.
I sat down on the crub, "I think I'll stay here for a bit."
"I hope you don't mind the company..." She sat beside me, "...so, tell me what's on your head."

The night is awfully quiet, just the buzzy neon sign and the slight, cold breeze.
"My dad was never really there for me. I was raised by my aunt for my entire life..." I took a sip of coffee, "...and now he decides to show up."
"Your dad?" She asked.
"Yeah..." I munch on the chips, "...he thinks he's entitled to the house, because it used to be my mom's before she gave it to my aunt."
"I don't think that's how things work."
"I fucking know, right?!" I yelled, "And here I was hoping he'd come back for me."
She remained quiet.
"So I called Gus to come pick me up..." I continued, "...and we went on a joy ride around town."
"Where'd you go?" She asked.
"The reserves."

She pulled out a second bag of chips, and she offered some.
Of course I took some.
"He gave me the ticket, we went to the grocery store and had an encounter with a... wild being." I told her.
"Is it the neighborhood Karen?" She asked.
"Yes, but what?"
"Yeah, she's infamous around her." She chuckled.
"Anyway..." I took another sip of coffee, "We went to your place and now we're here."
"What happened in between?"
I remained silent.

She stood up and threw the chip bag away.
"I'll be right back, I'm buying another cup." She washed her hands on the water fountain.
"I'll have another too."

She went inside and I laid down on the floor.

The fluorescent lights kept on flickering, it was oddly mesmerizing. The night bugs flew around the flickering light, some of them unknowingly bumping into it.

"Psst, here's your cup, puke girl." She teased.
"Please don't call me that..." I blushed.
She sat back down. "What would you want to be called then?"
"Cloud was already fine." I replied.
"Okay..." She smirked.

I don't like where this is going.

"Just a wild guess..." She points to the sky, "...Gus said he likes you and you're unsure if tou feel the same way."
"You feel something, for sure. But you're unsure if it's right or wrong. Guilty perhaps?" She stared at me before winking.

She's a witch.
"You're a witch." I said.
"Again, a hot one." She replied.
We both laughed before she pulled me back up.
"The feeling you feel right, it's not wrong. It'd really suck if you guys rush things." She said.
"We aren't a thing." I replied.
"Still, It'd suck. I like you."
"W-What?" I stuttered.
"Not in a Gus way!" She teased, "I mean, we've only known each other for a few... but it feels really refreshing. For once, I don't have to deal with Gus' shinanigans."
I smiled.
"Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he's a cow and a half to carry around." She brushed her pants, "So take it easy, no need to rush."

We got in the car and she drove me home.

"Before I go, here." She handed me a piece of folded paper, why was it crumbled?
"I'm no artist, but maybe you'll find use if this." She said.
"Okay? Thanks, I guess." I replied.

We waved goodbye and off she went.

The door was locked so I was about to take the keys under the flower pot, but Roman opened the door.
"Hey..." He greeted me.
"Is she asleep?" I asked.
He nodded and pointed at her.

Aunt Laura was fast asleep on the sofa.
"I'll be going now, take care." Roman whispered loudly, "My number is on the fridge, just in case you need help."

I locked the doors and kissed aunt Laura goodnight.
"I'm sorry for the troubles."

I went inside my room, leaned on the door, and slid down.
I took a deep breath before wiping my face.

A lot happened today, I'm still trying to process things. It's honestly too much, and I'm doing my best not to break down.

I reached inside my pocket and the paper Moira gave me is here. I nearly forgit she gave me this things.

take a shot
life's too short to keep idle
pop a couple bottles 'til 'till the world feels like a tida
wave goodbye to the past
and say goodnight to your mistakes~

My eyes widened. She wrote this?
"It's a song?" I told myself.

I took my guitar and started recording. This should keep me occupied for the moment.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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