hello, i need your help

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hi !! i'm back.

i have decided that i will be rewriting calm. exciting :)))

however, i haven't decided exactly how. should i completely restart, and completely abandon this version of the story, unpublishing it completely ?? or should i unpublish each chapter of calm and rewrite the story here ?? 

along with rewriting calm, i will be changing some of the disorders given to the members. several will be staying the same, such as jeongin, chan, and changbin at least. however, i want to give each member a different disorder, as to make them more unique. i am in the process of researching so hopefully everything can be more factually correct this time :) i'll also put trigger warnings on the chapters when i feel necessary, just to be safe !!

please, leave any feedback, or suggestions, here !! i really need your help to make this story the best it can be. if you have any suggestions of specific disorders, or extra idols i should include in the story, or ESPECIALLY how and where I should rewrite it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not be afraid to leave them here !! no suggestions are bad suggestions :))

i love you all, thank you so much <3

you are loved, you are important, and you are incredible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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