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Chan was immediately met with the stares of several nurses. Shortly after, they all fled. Chan sighed as he clenched his fists, but continued to walk to the main office where he would be taken to a room where he would finally get to see Jeongin’s face again.

After he filled out some paperwork stating why he was there, him and Woojin were escorted to a visiting room, where they sat and waited for Jeongin to arrive.

It took almost 20 minutes for a duo of nurses to bring Jeongin. When they were finally able to get him into the room, he was dangling, almost lifeless, as they carried him in. Once they let go, he crumpled to the ground in a heap. The nurses frowned down at Jeongin, their eyes showing pity. Chan gasped as his hands flew up to his mouth. He felt tears trickle through his fingers and down to wet his shirt. Woojin placed his hand on Chan’s shoulder.

“This is what we need you to fix, Chan. Your leaving ruined him. Now you need to fix it. Please.” Woojin whispered, his voice crackling towards the end. Chan nodded as he choked out a sob. Woojin nodded and stepped out of the room. Chan immediately dropped to his knees and crawled over to Jeongin, who he scooped up into his embrace, frantically moving his hands over Jeongin’s back and up into his hair.

“I-Innie please! I need you to wake up, to get better! How did I let this happen?!” Chan was sobbing more violently now, his chest heaving as he tried and failed to wipe his tears. He pulled Jeongin closer to his chest, and Jeongin began to cough.

“Ch-Chan? Why are you back? Where am I?” Jeongin tried to sit up, but his body gave out on him and he fell back into Chan’s arms. He gripped violently at Chan’s shirt, tears of his own beginning to roll down his sunken face. “Why can’t I sit up?!” Jeongin had begun to shake.

“You haven’t been eating, have you?” Chan mumbled as he pulled Jeongin closer to him, if that was even possible. Jeongin hesitated before shaking his head.

“It didn’t feel right without you here...” Jeongin whispered.

Chan’s heart shattered, shards of the artery puncturing his lungs. His breath hitched in his throat, and he choked out another violent sob.

“I-I’m so suh-sorry I didn’t tuh-tell you!” Chan’s voice was nasally from all of the sniffing he had done in the past few minutes. He honestly felt horrible. Ever since the day he had left, all he had thought about was Jeongin. How he was doing, if he would get to leave soon, how he felt about him. Chan hadn’t stopped for more than a moment to think about how him leaving had affected Jeongin. Chan knew he had been selfish, and he hated the feeling of knowing that someone he cared so deeply for had been in so much pain, because of him.

Their moment was interrupted by the loud ding of the lunch bell.


Chan hummed as he kissed the crown of Jeongin’s head.

“I-I’m hungry...”

Chan smiled.

“I’d hope so. I’ll carry you to the cafeteria.”

Chan grabbed the back of Jeongin’s thighs and hoisted him up to rest on his hip. When Jeongin nuzzled his head into the crook of Chan’s neck, he smiled and opened the door, the duo on their way to the cafeteria, where Chan would see his friends for the first time in almost 3 weeks.


two quick things!

1) as you can see, ive completely ran out of stray kids pictures, sorry about that

2) this story should be over soon! i feel like ive dragged it out for too long lol

so, i was thinking, and maybe for my next story to come out to replace calm as my main story, i would let you, the readers, pick between two stories when the time came around.

what do you think?

thank you for reading!

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