"look here shitty boy, I'm not asking for a favor here, I'm leaving this brat here and you do whatever you want with him

"and I clearly said that he is unwanted here you bastard so you do whatever you want with him" feeling blood rushing to my brain I stepped taking the suitcase and the boy holding him behind me while everyone starred at me

"both of you are nuts, you are the worst human being on earth, how could you talk about an innocent boy like that, treating him like some unwanted thing, I will take him" I knelt down facing the boy who starred at me with surprise

" what's your name?"

"p-Por" he faintly said with fear in his voice that made me feel so sad for him

"I'm Gulf, would you like living with me from now on?" the boy looked around so terrified

"don't be scared, I'm here, you can just say whatever you want" I assured him ruffling his hair a little as he nodded slightly with tears forming into his eyes I hugged him tightly

"you can leave now, and don't ever come back for him" I glared saying to the mafia boss who glared back and walked out followed by his body guards

"are you insane?! We live together!!! You are bringing him back to my house?!" the still angry boy shouted as I stood up hiding Por behind me

"I will take responsibility over him so it's none of your business, as soon as I move out of your place I will take him wi-"

"that won't happen!!!" I was cut off by the chairman voice who rushed inside, he looked to the boy who was trembling holding my leg then back to Mew

"he is her son?"

"that's what I was told" the old man sighed looking to me

"after work, take that kid and Mew to the hospital and do a DNA test, we will discuss what we will do after the results is out"

"yes sir" without saying another word the old man glanced at this kid again and then left

"this isn't happening" the angry CEO fell back on his chair as I took the kid out, I bought him food and kept him by my side until work hours are over, after doing the DNA test, we were informed that the results will be out in two days.


The results are out on Saturday, we all went were sitting in the living room in Mew's house while the chairman was the one to open the folder, he went silence for a couple of minute while I was holding Por's hand, for the past two days, I kept taking care of him and even took him to work, he was so well behaved that made me think he was not a little kid, he was very obedient and didn't talk much.

"so, what's the results grandfather?" the restless man asked, the old man looked at us

"he is a part of our family, he is really your nephew" I watched as Mew fell back in his place while I looked to Por who was still confused

"you're not alone, you have an uncle and a grandfather too"

"I don't approve of him as a nephew, he is just a stranger to me" I glared at him feeling enraged

"how could you say that out loud, even if you don't like him, keep it to yourself and keep your mouth shut" I said as he ignored me looking away

"actually Gulf, we have some problems with his mother and..." the old man sighed

"I don't care what your problems with her is, this child is innocent, he didn't choose to be born in this family, he has nothing to do with your problems, well it doesn't matter if you accept him or not because I promised I will take care of him" I looked to the sad boy and made him look at me

Breaking The Walls [MewGulf]Where stories live. Discover now