(T) : " Heyyy Noya!! "

(N) : " Tanaka bro~!! "

(T) : " Here's your first mission "

Mission: Receive 4/6 spikes and you pass.

This made Noya very happy. It's been a while since he last played volleyball, but the skills and technique he learned through out the years are still engraved in his memories. Looking at Ushijima and Sakusa, it made him happy that he was going to receive spikes from 2 of the top volleyball players in Japan. Taking off his jacket, Noya made sure he was comfortable in his position and got ready. After getting spiked at by Ushijima and Sakusa, three times each, Noya manage to receive 5/6 of the balls. The stinging feeling on his arm felt great. He missed it. With that, he received the second clue to his next location.

* The Note *

Yay, you did it! Your second location is where I brought you to for our first date!

In an Instant, Noya drove off to the Sea Aquarium. It was the most nerve-wracking first date for the duo. It was very romantic as Noya received a necklace that was engraved with their initials that he wore everyday. When Noya arrived at the Aquarium, he noticed Kinoshita, Narita, and Ennoshita waiting there for him. Noya ran towards them and gave them a big hug. Noya noticed a box that was beautifully wrapped on the table.

(N) : "This is your second mission"

Mission: Answer 3 simple math questions. Once you got all 3 questions right, you can open up the gift.

Noya didn't like this mission one bit. He hated math and Asahi knew it by heart. Since Noya didn't want to give up on the gift, he walked towards the table to answer the 3 questions. Thankfully, he had paid enough attention in class to be able to answer the first and second question easily. The 3rd question on the other hand was a little tricky. Noya asked if he could get a little help but the 3 boys shook their hand. Noya looked at the question again and tried to guess the answer. Once done, He hands the paper over to Ennoshita. Holding a red marker, Ennoshita marked the question paper. Once Ennoshita was done, he smiled and gave the box to Noya.

(E) : " Congratulation, you win the present "

Excited, Noya ripped off the wrapping paper quickly and opened up the box.

(N) : " A blindfold? "

(K) : " Yup! "

(N) : " What am I suppose to do with this blindfold? "

The 3 boys smiled at each other. Narita grabbed the blindfold from Noya's hand and put it around his eyes.

(E) : " We'll bring you to your next location. Where are your car keys? "

Noya gave his keys to Ennoshita. Soon he was dragged to his car and brought to the next location.

Soon, Noya felt the car stop. As he heard the door beside him open, he felt a hand on shoulder. Trusting that it was somebody he knew, Noya grabbed the hand and followed its direction. After walking for a while, the person who was leading him soon stopped. Noya got confused and called out for his friends.

(N) : " Ennoshita? Kinoshita? Narita? Helloooo? Anyone~??? "

Soon the song " Perfect" started playing in the background. Noya felt his blindfold being pulled off his eyes. Noya was surprised to see Asahi wearing a gorgeous white and kneeling on one leg with a box that contained a ring in it.

 Noya was surprised to see Asahi wearing a gorgeous white and kneeling on one leg with a box that contained a ring in it

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(A) : " I know you're probably confused right now but I can assure you that this is not a dream. You might be wondering why I chose this date to do this proposal but this date actually had a meaning behind it. It was the day where you and I had a fight that broke our friendship. It was also a day where I realised how important you are to me. That's why I wanted to change such memories and replace it with a beautiful one. This past 4 years of our relationship is the best decision that I've ever made in my life. I know that due to my career, I wasn't able to be by your side very often but you still stayed by my side and understand my circumstances. I know that I can't change the past but I promise you that from now on, I'll be there for you whenever you need me, no matter what time of day, I'm here for you. I promise to take care of you, cherish you, love you with all my heart, and would love to one day start a family with you. I love you so much that I could not see myself having a life without you. With that being said, will you, Yu Nishinoya, marry me, Asahi Azumane, and make me the happiest man on earth. "

Noya nodded his head repeatedly and jumped into Asahi's hand. Asahi kissed Noya on the lips and slipped the ring onto his finger. Soon the sound of people cheering could be heard. Turning around, he noticed his family members, his whole volleyball teammates, and his friends, all being there for him during this magical moment. This made Nishinoya very delighted. Soon everyone congratulated the duo and celebrated the event.

Once the duo had reach home, Asahi carried Noya bridal style into the house. The feeling of being wrapped up against Asahi made Noya fall into little space so fast.

(N) : " Daddy! "

(A) : " Let me take care of you okay baby bear "

Asahi then spend the night taking care of Noya and fulfilling his promise as his soon to be husband. The duo then snuggled up to sleep.


(S) : " Hey Ennoshita, how did noya do for the test? "

(E) : " Actually...he didn't answer any of them right. He almost got them right, so I gave him the point "

(N) : " Wait, if noya didn't answer them correctly at all, will this mean that the proposal would be a fail then? "

(S) : " Hahaha no. Asahi just wanted to tease Noya by giving him that mission hahaha "

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