Chapter 18- The Plan

Start from the beginning

Legolas was going to help, but there wasn't much he could do without other people figuring out it was him. Noelle spent her time chatting with Bern and the dwarves, and waiting-and hoping- that Bilbo or Legolas would come up with something before the Feast of Starlight.

Then there was also the red-head girl. She was getting uncomfortably close to Kili, Bilbo had told her. Thorin would probably be furious if he found out about that, Noelle mused. However, Bilbo had reassured Noelle that he was pretty sure the auburn elf didn't know anything.

Two nights before the Feast, Noelle had just finished her dinner, which was basically soup and a roll, when she heard Bilbo's voice at her door. "I finally have a plan!" he whispered excitedly.

Apparently there was another, less-obvious way out of the palace. The wine cellar. The Elves had barrels upon barrels of wine, and when they were empty, they were sent down a trapdoor into a river. Bilbo wanted to put everyone into the barrels.

"Go get Legolas!" Noelle whispered. "Because there's several things you haven't thought of!"

Legolas personally let her out of the cell(most of the dwarves were fast asleep, and the lighting was dim), and they went back to their meeting-room. He seemed impressed when Bilbo told him the idea. "I didn't think of that!"

"Wait," said Noelle. "Where does the river lead? Where do the barrels go?"

"Esgaroth. You might know it as Lake-town," he replied. "The barrels are refilled and sent back to us."

Lake-town. It wasn't a name that stood out to Noelle if she had ever read about it.

"Never heard of it, but it doesn't matter. We need to leave here as soon as we can!" Noelle said. "Another thing is, we need the keys."

"Elros has the keys," said Legolas.

"I'll grab the keys from him, while you distract him," said Bilbo. Noelle had had to convince Bilbo to tell Legolas about his magic ring. There was no way Legolas couldn't know about it if they were going to work with him.

"That'll be my part of the plan. I'll distract Elros and Galion the Butler. Get them drunk. That way you'll have at least several hours to escape," Legolas said. "When they're out. I'll let you know," he said to Bilbo.

"And what do I do?" Noelle suddenly realized there was not much she could do.

"Just play along," the elf replied.

The next night, Noelle waited anxiously for the Elves to clear the palace. The dwarves didn't even seem to notice. They were lamenting about how they were never going to get out of here.

"I'll wager the sun is on the rise. It must be nearly dawn," Bofur sighed.

"We're never gonna reach the Mountain, are we?" said Ori.

"Not stuck in there you're not!" Bilbo jingled the keys. The dwarves all began cheering and clamoring. Noelle still didn't want to risk any noise. All it took was for one elf to see them. "SHHHH!!!" she said.

Bilbo unlocked Thorin's cell, then Balin's, then Noelle's, then Bern's. The dwarves were all glad to finally get out of their cramped cells, which were basically the size of a large closet.

"Not that way!" Bilbo was calling. "Down here! Follow me!"

Legolas had put Elros and Galion to sleep alright. Noelle gasped when she saw him sleeping on the table next to them! He had to be faking it. Noelle kept watching him.

"This way!" Bilbo gestured for them to follow.

"I don't believe we're in the cellars!" exclaimed Kili.

"You're supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" protested Bofur.

"I know what I'm doing-" began Bilbo.

"SHH!" Bofur interrupted.

Wonderful. The one chance they were going to have at escape, and the dwarves were being uncooperative. Noelle glanced at Legolas. He was still "asleep" on the table.

"Everyone climb into the barrels!" Bilbo whispered harshly.

"Quickly!" Noelle added.

"Are you mad!" Dwalin objected. "They'll find us!"

"No they won't! I promise you! Please, please. You must trust me!" cried Bilbo.

Noelle and Bilbo looked pleadingly at Thorin. Hopefully at least he trusted them.

"Do as he says!" Thorin commanded the dwarves. They all murmured, but got in the barrels.

Noelle headed over for a barrel, still glancing at the table. She saw that Legolas's eyes were open. She caught his gaze.

Go! he mouthed at her.

Nodding, Noelle gave him a grateful smile. She saw him smile back, and quietly leave the room. Then, she slid into a barrel with her head sticking out.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked when they were all settled.

"Hold your breath."

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