Chapter 18- The Plan

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Legolas had agreed to help them on one condition- that Noelle wouldn't tell anyone. However, one person who was going to need to know was Bilbo. For an escape plan to work, Bilbo had to be involved. Noelle told Legolas that they actually already had an inside man on the job, and he agreed to let her tell Bilbo about him.

Noelle was escorted back to her cell by an elf-guard.

"So what did the prince want with you again?" Thorin asked suspiciously. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing he doesn't already know," she answered. Thorin couldn't get mad about that. The king already knew about their whole quest.

"Then why does he keep questioning you? Does he fancy you?" Thorin asked with a teasing smirk.

"What! No!" Noelle glared at him. "I don't know why he keeps bothering me!"

She slumped down in her cell, still mad at Thorin. Before long, she could sense that Bilbo was nearby.

"Psst! Bilbo!" she whispered. Bilbo came over. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him. She told him about Legolas.

Bilbo was uncertain. "You sure we can trust him?"

"He might be our best chance of escape if we have his help. He doesn't want anyone to know though, he might get in trouble. And he's the king's son!" she added.

"I know which one you're talking about. The blonde one?"

"Yep. If you go find him, maybe he'll let me out and we can start making a plan," Noelle suggested.

Bilbo still seemed a little uneasy, but he agreed. Not long after he was gone, an elf-guard came back in his place.

In the room with Legolas, Bilbo was visible. He jumped out of the corner when the elf-guard left. "A halfling?" Legolas asked her. "Your Company has the strangest companions."

Bilbo gave an awkward laugh. "What's our plan for getting out of here? Any ideas?"

Legolas shook his head. "The only way in and out of this cavern is the gate, and you need to escape unseen."

"Our cells are out in the open. That's going to be next to impossible," Noelle said. "There's guards everywhere."

"I wish to help you," said Legolas. "But the best I'll be able to do for you is a distraction."

Bilbo looked thoughtful. "All of the guards are going to need to be distracted," he said.

"The only times when most of the guards aren't in the palace are either when there's a significant attack, or if there's a feast," said Legolas.

Chances of the Orcs attacking the palace were slim to none. They weren't stupid enough to attack the Elves, but the Company couldn't wait for chance.

"When's the next feast?" Noelle asked.

"The Feast of Starlight," Legolas offered. "It's about two weeks away."

Noelle and Bilbo glanced at each other. Two weeks was awhile. They needed to reach the Mountain as soon as possible, and it wasn't really their call to make as to when they left. But in this case it was. This was their plan, and Thorin couldn't know all the details. So it was Noelle and Bilbo's call.

"Two weeks is going to have to do. On the bright side, it gives us more time to figure out a plan," Noelle said.

They agreed to meet again when they had actually had an idea. Noelle didn't want Thorin and the other dwarves to get suspicious. She had the feeling Thorin already was, even though he made light of it. So for the next two weeks, Bilbo used his time to snoop around trying to find another exit. Most of this really relied upon him.

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