chapter thirteen

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I wanted more answers to what happened to my time so I walked up the astronomy tower where the letter said to meet but nothing was their. It was a poorly lit room with one window. Nothing else. I lost all hope so I made my way back to the common room. I saw fred talking to draco...
"Guyss!?!? What's going on" I said looking at them both
"YOU KISSED!!" screamed fred in anger
"What are you on about?"
"I am not stupid y/n I saw him earlier smelling like you and had red lipstick all over his face!!! How could you do this to me????!" He said beginning to walk off
"Fred I dont know what you mean...unless" I looked at draco with a angry look, he knew what he had done.
"I WAS WITH YOU YESTERDAY. Your the one who gave me the letter. Why cant i remember anything" I said
Fred looked at draco with disgust.
"What did you do to my girlfriend!!!?"
Draco flicks out his wand, mumbling something. Just then all the memories come flooding back.

"Oh no...." I said a rush of guilt came over me as I realised what I had done. I really liked fred and I could never do this to him. Fred angrily stormed away and back into the castle.
I looked at draco and said nothing then I ran off.

It had been a week since the incident me and fred broke up but every once and a while I'll see him look at me and smile and one time I said hi to him in the corridor  he ran of and started crying in the bathroom.... I hated myself for what I did to him.... I really liked him more than iv ever liked anyone!! And I was disgusted with my actions. I hadn't talked to draco alot either that night was a huge mistake and I didnt want it to happen again.

I was sat in the great hall for dinner when fred and George walked in. George looked at me in disgust and sat down fred smiled slightly.... I missed him so much.

As I was walking back to my room someone tapped me on my shoulder I turned around and it was fred.... he gave me a huge hug lifting me of my feet when he put me down I said
"What was that for...?"
"Oh well you looked sad in the hall." He replied
"I really miss you" he said
"I miss you to"
"But I cant forget the things you've done..."
"I know fred I know I dont know what I can do to make it okay....I will do ANYTHING.."
He nodded and whispered
" I know" and walked off.

I was now in the common room I was so upset and so angry with myself I sat on the couch and started to cry, then draco walked In. I wiped away a tear and began to walk to my room when he shouted
"I gave you a love potion..."

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