(Pt. 2) How to get her back

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"And if she doesn't like you back?" Tsukishima pressed.

Kageyama paused. "Who said she had a choice?"

~~The next day in the locker rooms~~

"Hey uh, did anyone think about how we're possibly going to see (y/n) again?" Nishinoya mentioned.

"What do you mean? She's coach Ukai's daughter. She's bound to show up again sooner or later." Tanaka said.

"Yeah but like, what if she doesn't." Noya persisted.

"She is. We're good." Tanaka assured.

"Nishinoya makes a good point. We don't know where she lives, if she has a part time job, if she plays any sports, let alone what high school she goes to." Daichi said.

"Actually on my way to school I saw her leaving the convenience store that Coach Ukai works at." Hinata spoke up.

"Makes since. We only have practice right now in the morning right? We should check their after school." Kageyama said.

"Now get up. Volleyball comes before Kageyama's little challenge." Daichi instructed.

[Nishinoya POV]
~~After school~~

I walked out the school gates and saw the rest of the team waiting.

"Nishinoya you aren't going to the convenience store with us?" Hinata asked.

"Oh no. I can't today. My family had already had something planned. Some type of family night." I said lying through my teeth. Hopefully it was believable enough for them to leave me alone. "See you tomorrow!" I waved as I ran towards the direction of my house.

Daichi mentioned something I completely forgot I could use to my advantage. Yesterday (y/n) did tell me what school she goes to when I asked why I never saw her around karasuno.

Once I got home, I put the school name into google and looked for directions. It's a 15 minute walk from my house. It would've been closer if I was still at the school. I sat down my bags, and combed down my hair. Then changed into an all black hoodie and some black jeans. I tried to cover the color part of my hair so that I wouldn't be easily recognized if I did end up running into her.

Walking to her school felt shorter than the 15 minute eta google maps gave me. The gates to the school were open and students were flooding out of the gates. I waited in an area where it wouldn't seem creepy for someone like me in all black to wait and watched to see if I could find (y/n).

Fewer and fewer people started coming through the gates, but there were still no sign of (y/n). I started to think she left before I even got here but there was this feeling a couldn't let go that she was still inside.

I walked through the gates and went inside the school. Walking through the emptiest halls I could find, I saw a board with (y/n)'s picture on it. The heading read "Congratulations to our yoga club for winning their first competition!"

Yoga club? You've got to be kidding me. What competitions does yoga even have? Doesn't that contradict the whole purpose of yoga? Anyways, yoga club, where would that be?

After ages of searching, I found an open room that had no one in it. Mats were on the floor and some were rolled up against the walls. There were other things that screamed yoga club as well. I had to make sure (y/n) was here. I can't make any mistakes with this one.

[Tsukishima POV]

"Here we are at the convenience store and there are no signs of (y/n). Are you sure you saw what you saw?" Kageyama asked.

"Yes I'm sure. I even waved at her!" Hinata said.

"Yeah you could've also waved at literally anyone else and thought it was (y/n)." Kageyama continued.

"Back off." Hinata warned.

Kageyama looked down at him. "Or what?"

"You guys look. There's a back room." I said.

"What if Coach Ukai is back there?" Yamaguchi worried.

"He's not." Hinata said, already in the back room.

"He could still be somewhere around though, and I don't want to be here when he shows up." Yamaguchi said.

"Just come on." I said walking back there with everyone else.

"Look at this, a bunch of Ukai's contacts for work and from people at the school." Daichi said flipping through a book.

"Anything about my beloved (y/n)?" Suga asked.

"She's not yours and yeah, there is actually." Daichi said. We all crowded around the book. "She wrote half of the things in this book and they're signed by her. I guess you were right Hinata. She does work here."

"Look for her schedule. It should also be somewhere around here." Kageyama told us.

"L-Look, this isn't right. I'm going to find whoever is working this shift-" Yamaguchi started.

I pushed him up against the wall and choked him so he couldn't say a word until I was done talking. He tried to wiggle out, but Yamaguchi's body is much smaller than mine.

"Listen to me Yamaguchi, we go way back, but if you try to interfere with what we're doing here, I won't hesitate. Do you hear me?" I took my hand off his throat. He fell to the floor and started coughing, but we all know he had to get it through his thick skull so  no one mentioned it.

"S-*cough* sorry Tsukki." Yamaguchi said.

"I found the schedule!" Asahi announced.

"Great. Take that. We'll look at it tomorrow. Is there anything else?" Daichi asked.

"There a door here, but it's locked." Hinata said.

I looked around for yamaguchi, but he wasn't there. "Fucking Yamaguchi-" I said under my breath.

I ran out of the store and it was already dark out. I  looked both ways of the sidewalk, and saw him turning a corner on my left side. I ran after him, but he was too far away and I needed him to slow down. I looked around me and saw a nice rock by my foot. 'This'll do.' I thought to myself.

I threw the rock and it hit him. He stopped, then fell forward, crashing onto the sidewalk face first.

"Fuck!" I mumbled under my breath.

I ran to his limp body and checked his pulse. He was still alive thank god. I picked up his body and threw it over my shoulder.

"Guys, we have a problem." I said as I walked back into the store.

"What the hell did you do?! Is he dead?" Asahi yelled.

"Keep your voice down. He's not dead. He's just unconscious and bleeding from his head." I said.

"Look let's just take him back to the gym and tie him up in the back room where the broom and stuff is." Kageyama sighed. "We can't have him running off again."

Back at the school, Yamaguchi was tied to a chair we found in the hallways of the school.

"You've got to be kidding me." I face palmed.

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