• (carlos x lando) crash

Start from the beginning

Alex ran out trying to avoid falling over my team of mechanics, it was just me and George sat on the floor of the cold garage for the next silent minutes. I was cuddled into his chest, my tears dampening his white race suit as he ran his fingers delicately through my hair.

"I think we can go now L." George said quietly looking down to the top of my head, I nod as he pulls me up with him. "Just lean against me, don't look at other people." He knows that when I'm scared I freeze up and can't breathe.

He holds onto me tight as we walk through the heat towards the car, I'm thankful because my legs are too shaky to walk without him supporting me. We get to the car without any people seeing us. Alex holds the door open as George put me inside.

I could hear them talking to each other before they got in. "I'm scared about him Ally, I've never seen him like this before" George whispered gently stroking Alex's hand.

"I know... we need to be there for him, especially if somethings wrong with Carlos. He really loves him." Alex whispered back.

They opened the doors to the car starting the ignition. You would think being a racing driver you would be good with someone driving fast, but evidently I was not. Alex drove fast. I'm actually surprised we didn't get pulled over. But we got to the hospital in no time, and pulled into the parking lot.

"Look we're here." George said once we had parked.

I ran inside to the entrance desk "Carlos Sainz. I'm here to see Carlos Sainz, do you know if he's ok?"

"I'm sorry sir you need to wait, it's private information for family only." A young woman said looking around, she looked like she was an intern with no experience.

"Please I need to know, he's my boyfriend." I gasped, hesitating on the last word.. it felt weird in my mouth to say it out loud after hiding it for so long.

"Well.. he's still in surgery, but you and your friends can wait out here until he's done and we know more." She said glancing nervously at George and Alex who we standing behind me. It must've looked weird to her to see three guys in racing overalls in a hospital waiting room.

"Ok thank you." George said politely, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Come on L, let's take a seat.." he told me, gesturing to the row of hard plastic chairs that lined the stark white hospital walls.

I hate hospitals. That chemically clean smell, the cold chill coming from the air conditioning, the looming sense of worry.. like you know death is circulating around deciding what sick person to snatch up next. Terrifying thoughts filled my head as I drifted off to sleep..

"Lando, wake up.. Lando." someone shook me softly. The bright glow of the lamp glared at me as I opened my eyes. Alex peered down on me grinning. "Carlos is out of surgery, you can see him now!"

"W-wait what?.. right now?." My eyes widened. "So he's ok?"

"He's ok, surgery went well but the doctor isn't telling us anything else." He smiled sighing. "George keeps asking but because we aren't family it's not allowed.. he said we had to wait for you to wake up."

"Oh... so why didn't you get me up sooner then?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"I tried, you were exhausted I guess and didn't answer so I thought I should let you rest until he was out of his operation." Alex explained, running his fingers through his dark hair.

"Oh ok, thanks Ally." I said "I'm going to go see him now.." the hint of desperation in my voice gave Alex the hint to leave me alone. "What room by the way?"

"302 I think." Alex said thinking. "I'll be out here with George if you need me." he squeezed my arm reassuringly. I smile and at him and leave trying to find a map to know where the hell my boyfriend was.

Once I get onto the third floor I look left and right craning my neck to see which way was the right one. Aha! 302. My heartbeat quickens as I approached the room. "he's ok, he's ok." I whispered trying to convince myself as I slowly opened the door.

There he lay, covered in bruises and bandages.. but he was ok, he was alive. His face lit up when he saw me. His hand was in a cast and his torso was wrapped up but other then that, he looked like himself, he looked like my Carlos.

"Oh Carlos, I was so scared." I burst out running to his bed.

"I'm ok my love... I'm so sorry." He said in that perfect Spanish accent of his.

Tears started streaming down my face, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't- "

"It wasn't anyone's fault Lando, it's racing.. crashes happen." He said squeezing my hand. "I'm just happy you're here now."

I curl up next to him in his bed resting my head on his. "I'll always be here.."


I know it sucks, but it was late when I wrote this and yeah.. thanks for reading

💛- C

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