Chapter Thirty One

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We had a plan......not a very good one, but a plan non the less. I couldn't wait any longer.

Brad informed me that Malachi thought I was dead, so we were working with that. We were going to charge in and kill everyone there like I said, not a very good plan.

It was past midnight and all the Warriors were getting ready.


I looked up as the door opened letting in a burst of light, momentarily blinding me. I focused my eyes and saw Malachi waltzing in, looking quite happy.

"My brilliant men have informed me that special someone has unfortunately passed.", He mocked with a fake regretful expression.

I schooled my face to stay blank but on the inside I was screaming. But there was a niggling thought in the back of my mind, He couldn't be dead, I would have felt it......right?

"So with your Mate.", he said distastefully, "Dead, we can finally get on to the fun part.", I tried not to cringe, but the sinister smile on his face terrified me.

I struggled to stay awake. Just as I was taking in a deep breath to prepare myself a sharp pain erupted on my side. I choked on my breath and blearily looked down.

Sticking out of my right side just under my rib cage was a knife. Blood trickling down to pool over the sharp ground I was lying on.

Malachi's let out a laugh as I cried out and kept raining kicks and punches all over my body. I faintly heard a shout and more feet hitting the ground as someone else came in.

I was hauled up and my back was pushed against a wall, sharp rocks jutting out to hit my spine and shoulders.

"Keep her awake. I want to hear her scream.", Malachi growled out as he swung his shirt off.

I looked through bleary eyes. The blood from my head wound trickling into my eyes, nose and mouth.

I felt my panic rise as I saw a man carry a huge chest in. Malachi gave me one last grin before turning on his heel and opening the chest.

I lost count of how many things he pulled out. I could no longer concentrate on what he was doing, instead my mind seemed to go blank.

The only thing I was aware of was the pain, excruciatingly numb pain. I felt my skin split and blood come pouring out. I don't know how much more blood could come out before it just stopped.

I couldn't do it. I had failed my Mate, my brothers, My Pack! With the thoughts in my mind being pain and guilt of not being able to survive, my brain shut down.

I could feel my heart stuttering in my chest, my lungs failing, all the small cuts and bruises pulsing with heat and pain. I got light headed and the only noise I had to comfort me was the door slamming shut and the faint trickle of blood hitting the already large pool on the floor.

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