The Beginning

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Sometimes I wonder what this the purpose of life. I was looked down upon ever since I was little. In kindergarten people teased me, bullied me and mocked me. 12 years ago, on that playground was me, a quiet and isolated kid. I never had a friend and didn't even know why I needed one. My parents are nothing but rich. They never loved me and wanted me in the first place. If I died, they would go on vacation.

My name is Moon Y/N and I live in Seoul, South Korea. In the past 10 years, I found myself changing. From getting my feelings broken to breaking other people's bones. From these experiences I became stronger, physically, and I learned that by learning boxing. But there's something in me, that has no clue about life.

I went to a private kindergarten, a private elementary school and a prestigious private middle school. I hated all of them. So when finally I had the freedom to convince my disgustingly rich parents which high school I wanted to go to, I chose J High. They were disappointed in me as always, but I didn't care since they never cared either.

Right now I just started my second year in J High (three years in total). I actually made my first ever small group of friends. Last year I became friends with Jay and Daniel. I never had friends before, but these two seems to be the only ones that at least cared a little about how I felt. Even though Jay never mentioned it, I always knew that he was very smart (and rich). Daniel is probably one of the best people ever, he is so kind to other around him. I also met a very cool cashier at the convenience store. His name is also Daniel. I remember the two as Big Daniel and Small Daniel but both are super chill and fun to hang out with. 

I am usually chill, unless you get on my nerves. If you bully someone, I can end you because I know that feeling and hate how others have to experience it. Once someone hit little Daniel and I beat him up without really trying, but it did the job.

I own my own apartment since my parents didn't want anything to do with me. I live in Gangbuk, north side of the Han River. Recently I heard rumors about the God Dogs. I knew about them because my parents' business partner, Mr. Choi's random stray kids formed to make money. I secretly knew about how the ten secret geniuses but never dared to tell anyone. My parents never knew, but I did, don't ask why, I have my ways. Even though I knew about the geniuses, I never knew the details of the crews. The only things I know was that Jake Kim is now in prison,  Gun and Goo are lowkey assholes, and that God Dogs are lowkey shit and it's gonna flop.

It's now 11:56 pm, I finished my last bit of school work, took a shower and went to bed.

(Three days later in the fashion department classroom)
"Hey Y/N!" Daniel came to my direction.
"Hey!" I responded and we both went to Jay's desk.
"Do you guys wanna hang out today after school?" I asked.
Jay shook his head and pointed to his watch sadly.
"No problem Jay, it's ok if you don't have time."
"What about you Daniel?" I asked.
"Sorry Y/N, today I need to meet up with someone."
"It's ok, see y'all later." I said, I was kind of sad but we can hang out anytime.

(After school)

I was walking down the street. At first I thought we could go get ice cream, but since I'm alone for now, I took the bus to a Gangbuk's darting club. The bus driver looked at me nervously but stayed quiet. I didn't know what was the big deal, I passed that place many times on my way to school and have always wanted to go there.

When I arrived, the outside looked normal but there was a strong scent of cigarettes. Out of curiosity, I walked in without hesitation.

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