Please don't step on the grass,it bites

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You woke up to the feeling of someone carrying you from one room to the next.

"Hm?" You yawned and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes,you looked up to see a head of lovely,and still tangled,purple hair,"good morning~" you yawned,the air smelled like your room now instead of cleaning supplies.

"You've been asleep for an few hours,its almost time to leave" he said,still not putting you down. He held you in both arms easily.

"Eh?! And the twins didn't bother to wake me!" He put you down long enough for you to put your suit on. Checking the time you saw that you had a few minutes before the team briefing,"come on! We gotta hurry!"

Karz tossed his suit over his shoulder and let you guide him out of your room and too the cafeteria where everyone was already waiting.

"- and ends our briefing,everyone enter the pod in you assigned seats,we are leaving now"

"You guys started without us!?" You whined as everyone left for the smaller space ship they would be sleeping in for the next few weeks.

"Should have woken up sooner then" Zyban said.

"Yeah,yeah" you pouted and pulled out several twisties,"Ok Karz, let me put your hair up so you can put your helmet on"

"I have no need for that,human"

"Eh? You sure"


"If you say so," you guided him the smaller space pod,everyone was already buckled in,saved for two empty seats.

"Hanzo and Milan are staying behind?" You asked helping Karz buckle into his seat.

"Yeah, they didn't really feel comfortable having our guest on bored with us" Gardna said,in her hands was a small,one eyed pet that looked like it was made of slim.

"O-oh,well Karz wouldn't do anything like that! He's really nice and sweet! He wouldn't hurt a fly!" You shocked at how scared everyone was of him,so far Karz had been nothing be nice to you.

"He looks like he could cave my head in his his hand,__" Gardna always had a blunt tongue.

"He wouldn't do that! Right Karz? You wouldn't hurt any of us!"

"Unless you give me a reason to,I don't mingle with humans,consider yourselves lucky"

No one could see but you made a face under you tinted space suit visor,"but thats not going to happen,because we're all going to get along! Right?"

No one said anything the rest of the trip down.

When you all finally landed down everyone broke off into their respective groups, all save but you and Karz. He was a bit surprised,he thought you'd be more of a social butterfly but you seemed content being by youself.

"Your not going to go speak to them?" He asked,he could hear you picking up small boxes and moving them onto hover plates.

"Nah, everyone seemes to be in a bad mood so I think I'll just hang out with you! And between you and me,I never liked Gardna,her Poyo is cute but she's a total bitch 80 percent of the time"

Karz snapped his head down at you surprised at your sudden vulger language,"oh really?" Usually he wouldn't have bothered with such meaningless prattle but if you hated her then she must have been a real piece of work.

"Dont get me wrong,she's very smart and I do admire her for her intelligence but she's got this 'higher than thee' attitude, One time I asked if she could help me with some graphing and she said 'You're supposed to know this,you shouldn't be here if you can't do basic graphing' she was so snooty about it! I was this close" you held your fingers apart from each other by a few centimeters,"to kicking the bitch in the pussy"

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