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You were looking out the window of your teams space ship, The Skeld,bored out of your mind. Your team stopped at a near by asteroid belt to collect samples of a near by dwarf planet. You and your captain were waiting for Gochi and Mochi to come back from hauling samples.

"Captain! Are they done yet?" You yelled.

"Yeah,they're on their way back right now,I'm going to open the hatch,you use the claw to bring the asteroid in" Captain was a medium sized Asian woman with very long hair.

"Sure," you sat in the claw seat and started moving it around,"where is it-Ah!" You could see a medium sized asteroid covered in a type if dust that reflected light. Moving the claw you carefully moved it into the docking area. Once the screen gave you the all clear you unhooked yourself and went to go greet your other teammates.

They managed to meet you half way.

"Hi Gochi,Mochi" these two were Hawaiian twins,beautifuly tanned with lovely long wavy hair,the both had, green eyes but Gochi had a circular birthmark in her neck,which was the only way you were able to tell her apart.


"Hi hi!" Mochi was alot more energetic than her twin,"we brought you a nice sized on this time!"

"I saw! Thanks! I'll go run some scans on it now,tell the others I said they better not eat all the sweets!"

"Dont worry,I'll save you some" Gochi promised,leaving you for the cafeteria.

"Thanks!" Making your way to the docking station you looked at the massive asteroid floating in front of you,"hello big boy!" You put on your special gloves and put on a gas mask, disinfecting head piece. You rotated the massive rock,trying to decide where to start sawing,"what do you hold?" You grabbed a chisle and started gently chipping away at the stone.

There was alot of ice on the large rock that eventually melted away down the side of the side as you continue working. There was a puddle of space water on the ground under the floating rock as you cracked your fingers.

You hadn't really gotten anywhere yet,you were just cracking the shell open and hoping there would be something worth wild inside.

"I get the feeling that your really special," you patted the rock and got back to work chipping away and sweeping the shardes up into a small vacuum. You took a small shard,broke off the edge and placed it in a pitri dish. Turning on your microscope you zoomed and focused in on the micro cells.

Among the water,dust and minerals you wrote down everything you saw. It was just like every other asteroid; You were a bit disappointed,you were hoping for some massive discovery.

"What a let down big guy,I was hoping you'd be the one!" You were just about to turn the microscop off when you saw something that no rock or inanimate object should ever have,an Animal cell,"I must be seeing things!" You took another look and the cell twiched, absorbing water and moving occasionally,"what the!?" Your snapped another piece off the stone and placed it under the microscope.

Among the mineral and flakes of ice you could see several massive clumps of animal cells with cell walls,nucleus and mitochondria. "Is this rock actually a living thing?" You muttered to yourself.

Maybe whatever this thing had gotten knocked out of a ship? Maybe it had gotten fossilized or something! But if thats true then why were the cells twitching? Like they were alive?

"Yo! __!" Kaizo greeted from the entrance. He was a dark skinned man with short,almost buzz cut hair.

"Whats up Kai?" You asked,looking up from the scope.

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