Chapter 30: relocation

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A month later Robert is driving to L.A. with Marissa. Isaac and Liara are already waiting for them in the apartment.

When they arrive Isaac heads down to welcome then and help carry Marissa's stuff.

They spend the next couple of hours bringing everything upstairs, giving it all a spot and helping Marissa get acclimated.

Krista arrives with lunch.

Hey everyone! Sorry that I'm late, my meeting went on longer than expected. But I brought lunch to make up for it...

Liara immediately perks up.

Apology accepted!

Isaac can't help but laugh at Liara's excitement.

The pregnancy cravings have been getting more frequent.

Food is one of the only things I can still enjoy in my current state so cut me some slack.

Fine, I'll be your personal chef and butler for three more months. After that I'm going to give you some actual cooking lessons.

Krista pats Liara on the back.

You better enjoy your freedom for these last couple of months then, after that it's all over.

After finishing lunch Krista gets up.

How about a more thorough tour of the studio?

Yes please!

While the girls go to the studio downstairs Isaac and his dad go out to the balcony.

It's going to be a strange ride back home...

How did Vicky and Claire handle Marissa's departure?

Claire was quiet, and we both know that's not like her. Vicky took it pretty hard so she'll be emotional for a couple of days.

That's going to be fun.

Yeah... lots of fun. I bet you know all about emotional outbursts with Liara's current state.

Two days ago, I heard her crying so I rushed over to the living room in a panic. Turns out she was just look at videos of puppies on YouTube...

Robert laughs.

Hang in there son, only three months left until you reach the finish line.

Isaac lets out a short sigh.

Right... only three more months.

Getting nervous?

I feel the nerves creeping up more and more with every day we get closer.

That's normal, I would know... I ran the first time. But trust me when I say that you'll be fine, you're way more mature and responsible than I was at your age. Just communicate well with each other and find a routine that works for you.

Thanks, look at you giving fatherly advice.

It's almost like we're actually father and son.

Isaac pats his father on the back.

We're getting there.

Just as their bonding moment reaches its climax the girls return.

We're back!

What did you think of the studio?

I already saw part of it before, but that was only the display rooms. Now they showed me the rest, like the room with all the materials and the one for assembling the orders.

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