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Asahi's POV

I missed her so much. I want to hug her. I want to tell her how much I love her. I want to make her mine.

But how can I do that if she already looks so happy? I... I don't want to make her sad again just because of my selfishness.

That's why I'm running away.

I catched my breath and sat at the road.

"Damn it." I can't. I just can't! I know that I've caused her so much pain but why can't I give up?!

"What do I do?" I messed my own hair, feeling frustrated. I took a deep breath and stood up.

I... I guess I'll go for it.

I started to go back to the convenience store but heard something strange at the playground.

"Ya! Hold her hand!"

"Please let me go!"

I walked towards the playground as my heart started to beat faster. My phone suddenly rang just when I saw what's happening.


I heard Hyunsuk's voice which made the 5 guys look at him. Junkyu and Jihoon is with him too. I'm still out of their sight so they only attacked the three of them.

I saw one of the guys running while carrying Areum so I ran after him without catching the attention of the other guys.

"Who are you?! Go away!" The guy I'm chasing blurted out when he finally noticed me. He brought out a knife and pointed it to Areum's neck.

"No! Stop!" I raised my arms to stop him from doing what he waa about to do.

"Please... just... leave her alone!" I kneeled down the ground with my arms still raised up.

"Stupid! Why would I do that!"

I was about to lose hope but I suddenly saw someone walking slowly behind him.


He told me to stay quiet as he approached the guy behind.

"You better ignore what you just saw and run aw-"

Junghwan kicked the guy's head which made him collapse. I immediately catched Areum and hugged her tight.

"You're safe... Areum... I was so scared!"

"Hyung! Get her in the car, hurry!" Junghwan looked around frantically which made me confused.

"Hurry up! I need to tell you something!" He pointed at the car near us and I nodded at him.

I went inside the car and laid Areum's head on my lap. I caressed her hair while staring at her face.

"I won't give up, Areum."

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