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Long time no upload! But I'm here now and I'm so going to upload!


Chapter Two

Annabeth's P.O.V.

November 28, 2010

At the Rink

The kiss deepened and Ethan bit my bottom lip and you wanna know what I did . . . I did nothing because I could here a large amount of clapping, cat calls, wolf whistles, and the laughter of guys. Blake broke the kiss but stayed over me. Looking out onto the ice on my left. I looked the same way and what I saw made my face burn in embarrassment. It was the WHOLE ENTIRE hokey team. With Ash and Logan smiling like goof balls seeing a miracle happen. I couldn't believe my luck right now! I mean I finally kiss Ethan for real and it gets ruined by them! Gawd I wonder how long the were standing there . . . I hid my face in Ethan's chest so no one would see my tomato red face and laugh at me.

"And the miracle has happened!" screamed a guy hidden behind the rest of the hokey team. I pushed Ethan off of me and he picked himself off of the ground pulling me up with him. And for once I actually skated like a pro over to the others. Hokey style stopping I gave the meanest glare/stink eye the world had ever seen. I could see a few guys back away and the others just stood there brushing off my glare like a bug and smiled down at me. I really was short . . . Maybe I'll grow taller . . . Oh I should get stilts! Yay that would so make me taller! I could look down on them and be like 'Not so tall no more, huh?' but nope thats mean so I can't do it.

"Anna you do realize that this is a time to celebrate right? I mean you just made out with your worst enemy and you made him blush for crying out loud!" Ash said. I looked behind me and Ethan was actually blushing all the way at the other end of the rink muttering something along the lines of her mum needs to do yada yada yada! Thats all I could honestly get out.

"Ash it was a fluke it's not happening again and if only you knew why we kissed . . . It had something to do with-" I was cutt off by a warm hand covering my mouth. I licked the hand but it wouldn't budge. So I did the next best thing I could think of. I flicked my foot back and to the side. Spun around, still on skates, gripped the wrist and elbow. Brought it behind the back and bent the wrist putting pressure in both areas. 

Everyone looked at me like I was someone else, the person I was inflickting pain on was screaming a little scream, and Ash looked at me like I was an idiot for doing that in front of everyone.

"OH MY MOTHER OF HOBO'S WAL-MART TURKEY! Did you really just do that to the Ethan?!" Logan exclaimed. I looked down and sure enough it was Ethan. I let go immediately and skated back smirking my I just bet you smirk! Hehe serves you right for keeping your hand on my mouth!

"Ethan I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! What can you do for your forgiveness?!" I asked falling to my knees and begging Ethan (Note the sarcasm). I looked up with my puppy dog eyes that not even Hitler himself could ignore.

"Ugh you little jerk! You know I can't say no to the puppy dog face!" 

" . . ."

"Ugh fine your forgiven." I pushed myself off of the ground but me being me and in my um something . . . I fell on my arse. Ethan picked me up and I skated backwards looking at him and then everyone else. I did the one thing every single one of them got ticked off from. 

I bit my thumb.

Now you wouldn't really expect them all to get so mad at me but in the Renaissance time period that was like sticking up your middle finger just more polite and it was a lady like way to put it. I turned and skated like me life depended on it! Ethan and Logan were on my sides and Ash was behind me. Then some of the other guys who knew me were in line with Ash and some of them in line with Logan. I needed to speed up and fast! Leaning forward and putting one skate in front of the other I started to get faster. I could feel Ethan and the others behind me all in one line trying to hockey tackle me to the ground but they didn't learn what I was capable of doing so suck on that you duck heads! I slowed down a tenth and let them get close to me. As I was passing the others who stayed on the side lines I said a line that would have them taking people down soon. But the down side it was in Serbian.

A language that most people didn't speak anymore and no it's not like to 2010 your all thinking it is. It's the 2010 of the new world. Earth had been wiped of human civilization. Or so it was said the Fates had thought but there were four people who were born from all the elements together to make the Smatraju. They were immortal and lived forever. There was two boys and two girls. They had mated and mated and mated till there had been 50 kids from each pair. Yes I know gross but they needed to remake human civilization. There had been 104 Smatraju but then the fates had put a twist to their lives and made 104 humans. They had mated and made half breeds but the more they mated the less Smatraju there was. But there had been 16 couples of Smatraju left and they had stayed pure through out their life time. If they had had a boy and a girl they were to mate to make more of the Smatraju. But there had been a war and 50 Smatraju went only 45 came back. After that they had made a world of their own were they visited only in dire need and to approve marriages and bless new born's. Their numbers had grown but so had the humans. There had been a count of all the humans and there was 1,568,987 and only 100,001 Smatraju. My family was Smatraju. The first four Smatraju had made a prophecy that once the 100,005 child was born that there will be something great to happen. I had no idea what was to happen but my parents had never told anyone of my birth so I was to stay quite and not use my powers often. But keep this a secret because you wont be hearing this from me for a while . . . Now back to the problem at hand. 

"Te će se njima prud u jedan minut." [you will take them down in one minute}. They waited a minute and took them all down except for Ash, Logan, and Ethan. I tried skating faster and faster but they kept up with ease. I slowed my pace down and closed my eyes imagining what was going on. The three of them were right on my heels. Ethan was reaching for me at the same time as Logan and Ash. Right when they were a centimeter from touching me. I used my momentum and did a back tuck over them and skated backwards. They caught air and fell forward in a giant mass of body parts and skates. 

Laughing like crazy I made my way over to them and looked down with a fake disproving look.

"Now now children don't go falling because I'm so amazing! Just know this . . . Never Underestimate The First Time Skater! Mwahahaha! Although I was going to tell you soon that I knew how to skate I was just scared to because when I was little Ethan, my mum, his mum, and I went pond skating and I didn't know there was a soft spot and fell in. I had a severe case of hypothermia and I was drowning. If it wasn't for Ethan I'd've been dead." I smiled and grimaced at the same time from the memory. 

Skating back to everybody else I hockey stopped and smiled at them waiting to explode with insane remarks and other things when everything . . .


Now that my friends is a cliffhanger! I'm sorry for adding the whole Smatraju thing it was just so tempting and I couldn't help myself! But the point of the Smatraju is that their like vampires but they control an element and the power to use magic that relates to their element. 

Again I'm sorry for the late upload!

But comment, vote, fan, and add to the library!

Love you lots


P.S. I just edited this because I said Blake instead of Ethan I'm so sorry for anyone that got confused

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