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Anything Can Happen When You Go Ice Skating

By: LissaRoseSterling

Chapter One

Annabeth's POV

November 28, 2010

At Home

You know I strongly dislike hokey players a) because I HATE hokey b) their idiots on skates and c) they think they are better than everyone in the world! Surely you all can agree with me? I mean look at Ethan he's an idiot. He thinks he is the best at everything and he thinks he's sooooo hot when-honest to god- he is sooooo not!

Today is my best friend's day to choose what we were doing on this dull and cold Saturday. Curse the cold weather! I would be way better off without it than with it! Why did my family have to choose New Hampshire to live in? Why couldn't it be Florida or California? But anyway Ashley is going to be here at 2pm and its 12:30pm so I might was well get dressed for the day.

I grabbed some random clothes and a beanie seeing as it is winter and dropped them on my bathroom floor. I turned the shower up to burning hot with a small amount of cold water and hopped in (after taking off my clothes). Oh that felt so much better on my cold figure.

It seemed as if the grim and dirt was washing off my body so were my worries and my problems. I felt like I was free and I was kind of loving it! If only I could swim . . . At least I have a hot tub! Haha but don't blame me, every time I step foot on ice or in water I fall and get hurt but on flat ground or in the air I'm alright! I don't understand it like at all! After that thought I got out of the shower drying myself off and checking to see if I left an dirt on my body. But when I looked at my chest I saw a faint mark. But what was it from? How did that get there?! It was a string of symbols written fluently with a heart surrounding it. Eh whatever who cares no one is going to see it! If anyone did they would think it was a tattoo or a fake one.

I threw on my ripped up Hollister jeans, a sports bra, a cami, a slung off the shoulder green long sleeve and my North Face. But most importantly my tan and cream beanie that my grandma made for me!! Haha yes I still wear things people make for me but only the cute ones and these hats are my favorite that she makes me!!

By the time I was finished getting ready my mom was already i the car waiting for me. If your wondering why my mom is already in the car then here let me tell you. Ashley and I have been doing this ritual thingy for so long that our parents are already in their cars waiting for us. I shook my head and got into the car not wanting my mom to yell at me agian for wasting her time to hang ith Ethan's mom. Yeah I know its werid but do not blame me for their odd odd and plain odd friendship.

They've been best friends for as long as they coul remember. They've always said that Ethan and I would end up together and Im pretty sure Ethan and I laughed our butts off and ended up crying we were laughing so hard. That was and is the only time we had gotten along together and agreed that that would never happen too.

My mom dropped me off at Ashleys and I ran through the door through like nine halls up two flights of stairs then had to put my hand on one of those hand touch pad things that make sure they now whose hand it was and waited for the door to slide open. I know thats a lot to go through and your probably wonderin how I could ever remember it well lets just say that it took years to get right.

Ashley was sitting at her desk that had 4 moniters, 4 key boards, two spinny chairs, 4 head sets, and that was just half of it trust me you don't want to know the rest because I kind of umm forgot the names of them.

Sitting down in the spinny chair that wasnt occupied I stared at my bestfriend. Waiting for her to tell me what we were going to do today, seeing as it was the weekend and all. But she wasn't answering me and I'm pretty sure she was talking to the mystery guy on myyearbook.com that she knows for a fact lives in the this town but he wont tell her who or what he looks like but hey she wouldnt do the same so it was techniacly both of their faults. So instead of waiting for her to finish I got onto my computer and logged on. So you all know the two of us are computer geeks but we also now 13 different languages, can arm and disarm 10 bombs at once, we can hold our breath for 8 minutes and so much more. And to answer the thoughts going through your head no we are not spys or any of that other stuff you want to think of. We just wanted to see if we could do crazzy things and that was what we turned to.

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