Chapter 11~First Day Back~

Start from the beginning

Kenma: "We're holding hands. Get over it."

Kuroo: "Well you guys should hurry up and date so we can go on double dates~!"

Sakura: "Yeah! Actually y/n, Kuroo,Kenma,and I have a welcome back surprise for you."

Y/n: "Really? Oh you guys didn't have to do that."

Kenma: "But we wanted to." I said while giving her a slight smile.

Kuroo: "Yeah meet us after volleyball practice. You're coming too right?"

Y/n: "Yep!"

Kuroo: "Alright then. Sakura and I got class in a few minutes so we'll see you guys later!"

Sakura: "Bye guys!"

I walked y/n to her class and not gonna lie she looked pretty nervous. I wonder if this was nerve racking for her. We walked into class together and all eyes were on her and she seemed to freeze. Probably because this was the same classroom that the incident happened in.

Your POV:

As Kenma and I walked into class everyone turned their heads to face me. Some of them looked concerned and others looked like they were pissed of at me. They gave me dirty looks and I felt like throwing up. But Kenma seemed to notice and whispered something to me.

Kenma: "Y/n? Are you alright."

You: "I don't want to be here right now.."

But our little conversation ended when the teacher told us to go to our seats. I sat next to Kenma so it wasn't too bad but then class got even worse when the teacher brought up the subject.

Teacher: "So y/n I heard that something happened in this class room with you and Haru hm?"

You: "Y-yes."

Teacher: "And what was it exactly that happened. I'm sure the whole class would want to know."

I felt like the teacher wasn't going to believe what I would tell her because of that tone in her voice.

You: "W-well, I asked Haru to stay back after class to talk and I told him something that made him mad a-and h-he started b-beating me."

I this point I was on the verge of crying because I did not want to be in that classroom anymore.

Teacher: "Well Haru is one of my sweetest students. He wouldn't hurt a fly. And what exactly did you tell him?"

I was so over it at this point. How could this teacher not believe me.

You: "I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN SHIT TO YOU!" I yelled as I got up from my desk. Everyone was shocked and so was Kenma.


I couldn't stand to be there anymore so I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the classroom. I ran into the girls bathroom and started crying my eyes out. Some girls passed by and saw me and they comforted me for a while. Then one of them went outside and came back and said there was a boy waiting for me outside. I was guessing it was Kenma so I got up and walked out.

As I walked out I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me in for a hug. I could tell it was Kenma so I hugged back.

Kenma: "That teacher is fucking the Science teacher anyways so she automatically lost her speaking privileges."

I laughed at Kenma's comment and the rest of the day went smoothly I guess, some people stopped and asked if I were okay in the halls and they were glad to see that I was better.

As I was walking to volleyball practice that's when I remembered that Daichi and the Karasuno boys were gonna be there. So I rushed in the gym and saw them standing there. They froze for a minute then I heard Nishinoya and Tanaka yell my name.

Noya had Tanaka: "Y/n!!!!!"

That's when the boys started rushing over to me to hug me. Even Tsukki! I was overfilled with joy because my best friends were all here.

Suga: "Y/n we missed you so much!"

Hinata: "Yeah even Tsukishima was starting to miss you!"

Tsukki: "Oh shut up."

You: "Aww I missed you guys too~!"

Yams: "Y/n me and tsukki made you a sweater."

You: "Aw really?"

Tsukki: "Yeah but don't make it a big deal."

Then I hugged both tsukki and yams.

You: "Aww tsukki you really did miss me. And thank you yams I love it and I'll wear it when it starts to get cold."

Kageyama: "I got you milk."

You: "Kags the only reason you got me milk is because you want me to say I don't want it so you can drink it instead."

Kageyama: "...So do you want it or not."

You: "You can have your milk kags."

Then everyone started bursting out laughing even the nekoma players. The practice match went smoothly but then Karasuno had to leave. I gave each and every single one of them a hug. I even got to talk to Suga a little bit when he was on the bench.

After the practice match Sakura, Kuroo, and Kenma all walked out.

Kuroo: "So y/n how was your first day as manager?"

You: "It was great!"

Kenma: "So are you also coming to the practice camp?"

You: "Yep!"

Sakura: "Thats great! I'll be there too. But we should really show y/n her surprise."

Kenma and Kuroo nodded in agreement and Kenma took my hand and Kuroo took Sakura's. We started walking and I was really excited.

I cant wait to see the surprise.



I'm at like 1,486 words like-
When I looked at my word count I was legit like "wtf, how the actual hell did I write that much with no friggin breaks 😀✋🏽"

But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I sorta did. Now I gotta revise it to make sure there's not grammar or spelling errors 😔💔

I be doin this for you guys even tho nobody asked me to 💀

Also even my fucking end notes are so fucking long compared to others like what am I on 😀 I want it out of my system please.

I hope you guys have a great day~🦋✨

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