It Was Only Ten Minutes

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Kyoka let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Her cheeks flared in an intense blush after hearing her name come from Momo's mouth. Her voice was like silk, smoothly caressing every syllable.

Kyoka felt the sudden urge to kiss her.

Momo laughed, "I want to kiss you, too." Fuck, did Kyoka say that out loud? Midoriya must've been rubbing off on her. "But—well, to everyone else I'm still a member of the Elite. Let's save that for another time?"

Kyoka nodded, then paused, suddenly, a realization coming to mind.

"What's wrong?" Momo asked, concern lacing her tone.

"I just realized—how is this going to work? I live in the palace full-time, now. What if we—"

Momo cut off her rant before it could even begin, "We'll figure it out. I could always try and find a job here at the palace, or in a neighboring village. We could live together—if you'd like, that is."

"Yes," Kyoka breathed, subconsciously tugging Momo closer towards her. "Yes, I'd love that."

Momo smiled, "Me too."

"I love you," Kyoka repeated, one more time to make this moment feel all that much more real.

Momo's grin only grew, "I love you, too."

* * *

Katsuki's feet were practically going numb from all the dancing he'd done that night.

He felt an odd sort of obligation to dance with every member of the Elite that night, leading up to numerous dances with each of them. Neito vehemently refused to part ways at Katsuki's suggestion, leading them through a solid ten songs before allowing Katsuki a break. He didn't mind Neito's presence, but he was on a bit of a time crunch. Telling the blonde man this was the only reason he seemed to let up.

It seemed as though Mina had been waiting for him during that time. She practically pounced on him the moment he was free, offering to go get refreshments together and allow him time to rest his feet. As soon as he felt fit enough to continue dancing, she'd grabbed his arm and tugged him to the center of the crowd, dancing metaphorical circles around him as she tried to lead him through one complicated maneuver after another.

Hanta sought him out afterwards, but let Katsuki off the hook after one measly dance. He confessed to wanting to spend more time with his family—mostly his mother, he'd sheepishly revealed. Katsuki wasn't too upset about the fact—he liked Hanta, he really did, but social interaction of any sort were not Katsuki's thing. He wanted this night to end as quickly as possible.

He weaved through the crowds, ignoring the minor ache in his feet, and got himself a cup of water. Out of the corner of his eye, he could spot Izuku and Shoto happily dancing together. Izuku was horribly off-beat, and Shoto seemed to be trying his best to correct him. Katsuki felt a twinge of sympathy pain for Shoto's toes.

Being the not entirely an asshole he was, Katsuki offered to take Izuku off Shoto's hands—or feet—for a while. Izuku was all too eager to dance with Katsuki, hugging Shoto tightly before grasping Katsuki's hand and making an odd attempt at dancing along to the rhythm of the music.

"No, you dumbass, you're way off beat."

"I am?"

"Yes," Katsuki growled, trying his best to correct Izuku's movements without breaking his own formation. "Just follow my lead, nerd."

Izuku still didn't get the hang of it after that. He was hopelessly doomed to a life with absolutely no rhythm to speak of whatsoever. Katsuki spent more time than he'd like to admit just trying to teach Izuku the basics—a fruitless endeavor.

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