"Hey! No fair! That's cheating!" He called through the wood.

"No, it's not. It's called using your resources," I informed, turning of the water for the shower, chuckling when I heard him stomp away.

Stripping out of my Pj's, I take a quick shower, brushing my teeth and hair when I'm done and dry. Keeping the towel wrapped around me, I open the door and walk across the hall to my room, closing the door behind me. I'm greeted with pale purple walls covered in pictures of family and friends.

When I'm done getting dressed, I pull a necklace over my head. It was a soft, black leather cord. It had two beads of it. One was a lion and the other was a pig. My two favorite animals and the source of my nickname. Trunks had given it to me for my birthday a few years back.

I walk over the giant mirror Bulla insisted I get. That way 'we could see ourselves when we played dress up.' I had on a Gi like Daddy always wear, but mine was reverse. It was mainly blue with orange trim instead of orange with blue trim. The sleeves went down to about my elbows, unlike Daddy's and Goten's. Daddy's was short sleeved while Goten's was full length.

Grabbing a hair tie, I braided my longish red hair, leaving the black bangs alone. They never cooperated anyways. I walked out of my room, all but skipping downstairs. I entered the kitchen, sitting down at the table, swinging my legs, waiting for the rest of my family.

"Moona, please put some shoes on honey," Momma said, walking in from the living room. I frowned.

"You know I don't like closed shoes. And I can't fight with open toed ones."

"Yes, but they're not going to let you fight barefoot either."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Actually I have no idea. But take a pair just in case."

I smile and nod, quickly going back up to my room to grab a pair of black slip on shoes, not unlike the ones Krillin, Daddy and Goten wear. When I go back downstairs, I find Goten and Gohan waiting for me.

"See! I told you you take forever, Rosey!" He exclaimed.

"Goten honey, Moona was down before you. I just sent her up to get her shoes," Momma said, smiling.

"Oh," my brother answered, his face falling. Matching Momma's smile, I stick my tongue out at him. Gohan rolled his eyes.

"It's days like these I find it hard believe you're one of the maturest ones here, Rosa," he laughed. I smiled proudly and Momma chuckles.

"So, I called Bulma and she said it was fine if we go over now. She's already starting breakfast."

"Good, cause I'm starving!" Goten exclaimed.

"You're always hungry," Gohan and I reply.

"I can't help it," he answered, putting his hands behind his head. 

"Oh, you're so much like your father..." Momma said, voicing my thoughts exactly.

"Don't worry, Mom," Gohan told her. "He's coming back today."

Momma nodded. "I know, I know. Now, let's head on over to the Briefs' for some breakfast."

The three of us nod, running out of the house and for the car. Gohan climbs in the front seat while Goten and I get into the back, waiting for our mother. When she gets in, I instantly demand for the radio to be turned to Rock.

"Calm down, Moona. I just got into the car," Momma says as she starts it.

"Please?" I beg. She sighs. 

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