What did you just call her?~Tom Riddle X Reader part 2

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*A/N I know Tom can't feel love or whatever but let's just imagine he can for the purpose of my sanity*
Ever since you and Tom kissed, there had been rumours going around the school that Tom had a girlfriend. I mean it was true, because you were his girlfriend. But the point is, you chose not to tell anyone. Not even Lestrange, Avery or even Y/B/F/N.

Even though no one knew about your relationship with the somewhat infamous Tom Riddle, the slytherins all loved you. Apart from one. Abraxas Malfoy. He had vowed to make your life a living hell after Tom beat him up, despite the fact that they both apologised and were friends again. You marked it down as Abraxas just being a spoilt crybaby who wasn't getting what he wanted for once.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard someone call your name.
"Oi! Y/N!" shit, it was Abraxas.
"What do you want Malfoy?" you retorted. His constant harassment of you in the hallways was getting boring now. He wouldn't leave you alone out of pure jealousy.
"Just to see your beautiful face is all, L/N." eurgh, could he just not.

A couple of days had passed and Abraxas wouldn't stop pestering you, he did it in the hallways, when you were walking to class, in class, he essentially  did it at any given opportunity. It was beginning to be too much for you, but you wouldn't dare tell anyone. If you did, Abraxas would probably make it his cause that you never knew a moment of happiness and, if you told Tom, Abraxas would be dead before you could even finish your sentence.

"Hey! Y/N!" You turned to you left and saw Lestrange and Avery. Tom's two closest friends.
"Oh, hi Lestrange, I thought you were Abraxas." you responded
"Why would it be Abraxas?" Avery inquired.
"Promise not to tell anyone?" They nod "Especially not Tom?" They nod again.
"Me and Tom have been dating ever since that time we kissed on the field. But we didn't tell anyone and now Abraxas is jealous and won't leave me alone!" You spoke, clearly agitated by how much you were constantly pestered over the last few weeks.
"What sort of things does he d-" "AVERY!" "Sorry, sorry."
"No,no nothing like that. Just constantly pestering me and flirting with me. It's nothing much, so please don't worry and plus, i best be off now, I promised I'd meet Y/B/F/N in the library. Bye!"
They both nodded and smiled. As I walked away I could hear the, talking in the distance
"Told you it wasn't a bad question." "Shut up Avery."

*Lestrange's POV*
Me and Avery have a plan. As much as we love Y/N and want to listen to what she told us, we have to tell Tom. Or at least try to hint at it so he gets the point.
"Even if we hint at it subtly he'd understand it cause he's so smart-" I can hear Avery rambling on about the plan but my thoughts are elsewhere. What will Tom actually do when he gets his hands on Abraxas. Oh it can't be good. As we arrive outside the common room Avery recites the plan.
"Right,so. We find Tom take him to the library, try and get him to-" as Avery is talking Abraxas walks past.
"Avery, Lestrange." He says
"Malfoy." We say in unison, equally disappointed and disgusted with the once nice teenage boy in front of us.
"Where are you off too? Dinner isn't for another half an hour." I inquire, intrigued and slightly worried about what he could be up to.
"Oh nothing much, just heading to the library." Sounds alrig- WAIT NO! Y/N's in the library! He's going to pester her again.
As he walks off we finally enter the common room, searching for Tom.
"Tom!" He turns his head sharply.

*Toms POV*
I was sat reading a book in the common room when I hear someone say my name. I look up to see Lestrange and Avery.
"Avery, Lestrang-" "Look Tom there's something we need to tell you." "Um ok?" I wonder what they did this time.
"Right so, we saw Y/N and she told us that Malfoy keeps pestering her and flirting with her, and don't mention it because she specifically told us not to tell yo-" "And then" Lestrange interjected "Y/N went to the library to meet Y/B/F/N" "And then-" "Shut it Avery." "NO. And then we saw Malfoy and then-" "Listen up Avery I told you to shut it. We saw Malfoy and he was heading to the library, presumably to pester her."
"Right, A. Stop bloody arguing, B. We are going to the library right now and I will do the talking. And if I need backup then,
Lestrange first, Avery second. But that is IF I need it." They both nod in agreement.
We walk to the library, tensions clearly building in the air. I just hope for his sake that Abraxas was going to the library for a more innocent reason than we believed.

I watched as Y/B/F/N left the library, we had an amazing time as always. I was just calmly browsing the shelves and when I turned to the left, Abraxas was there. I jumped at the sudden presence of him next to me. At this point I had had enough and walked straight past him out of the library.
As I was walking down the corridor I could hear Abraxas shouting after me.
"You know I don't know why I ever liked you! Your just a blood traitor, a slut and a whore!"
The words stung but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he could upset you.

"What did you just call her?" you heard. Oh god, this won't end well.
Abraxas ran past me. Tom followed. Lestrange and Avery both looked at me with concern on their faces.
"I expected it from you," I say pointing at Avery "but you should know better." I say to Lestrange.
"Y/N-" "Don't you 'Y/N' me. You told him! You did this! And now I HAVE TO FIX IT. BECAUSE HE BLOODY WELL WONT LISTEN TO EITHER OF YOU! You should be ashamed." They both look down as if they were just little boys being told off by their mum.
"Go back to your common room and I'll stop Tom from completely mutilating Abraxas? Got it? Oh and this time, actually listen to what I tell you to do."

*Tom's POV*
I follow Malfoy as he tries to hide. It's pathetic really. I follow him into the bathroom, it's currently dinner so the halls and bathrooms are deserted.
"You're cornered now, Malfoy." I sneer.
"You wouldn't kill me? Y/N would never want you to kill me." He responded, I laugh coldly.
"Y/N isn't here to stop me now, is she? Even if she was, I doubt she'd want me to be kind to you after what you've done to her these past few weeks."
"Tom, p-please." He looks so pathetic, poor him.
"Expelliarmus!" His wand falls from his hand "Avad-"
"Tom, don't!" I look behind me to see Y/N looking at me with terror on her face, I immediately lower my wand.
"Why shouldn't I? He was pestering you, you're my girlfriend, do you expect me not to care?"
"Of course I expect you to care Tom! But doesn't mean you should kill him, tell me, would I really want the loveliest man I've ever met to end up in the wretched filth of Azkaban? Would I?"
" No I guess not." "Well you guessed correctly, Tom. So please, a minor hex or jinx will do, don't kill him."
"Fine." I turn to Malfoy "But I swear if I find you anywhere near Y/N I will-" "Yes Tom he gets it."

"Yes Tom he gets it." I say, shooting an apologetic smile to Abraxas, sure he's a bastard at the best of times, but that doesn't mean I want him dead.
"Now promise me Tom," I start as we walk to the great hall, hand in hand "That you won't do anything else like this."
"Ok." "Promise?" "Promise."
He hugged me and I had never felt safer. I know that Tom is an amazing person and he'll do what I say.

Oh how wrong I was.

1433 words

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