Please dont leave me~Fred Weasley X Reader

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*Warnings: Potentially quite sad,swearing*

It was the 2nd May 1998. It was a very pretty morning despite the fact there was a war going on. Fred was working with the order often, so you were always worried sick. But recently you noticed that even when you were with Fred, you still felt sick...

'Fuck,' you thought 'its been 5 days and i still haven't gotten my period.'

You thought it'd be a good idea to call Emily (your best friend) to ask her for help as you knew you could trust her with anything.

*phone call*

E: Hello?

Y: Hey,

E: Oh, hi Y/N.

Y: I need to tell you something.

E: Go on...

Y: I think I'm pregnant, my period's nearly a week late!

E: OH MY GOD! Who's the Dad?

Y: Fred, you twat.

E: Just checking to be sure. Oh yeah you probably need help with that don't you?


E: Ok, I'll grab a pregnancy test from the shop and bring it over.

Y: Promise me you'll pay for it instead of stealing it?

E: You know I  can't make any promises.

*hangs up*

About 20 minutes later Emily showed up with a pregnancy test that she probably stole, just because she felt like it.

"So, do you wanna take it then?" she said

"No! I was just going to give it to Ron as a gift." you said in your usual sarcastic manner.

"I'll take that as a yes then." she responded.

You took the test and waited. It was the possibly slowest 10 minutes of your whole life, the only thing slower being a conversation with Umbridge.

Finally, you got the results. You could hardly muster up enough courage to look at the damn test. You were extremely nervous about all the things that could happen: how would Fred react? How would you tell your mum? WHAT IF IT WAS TWINS? Every possible scenario popped into your head as you finally looked at the test...

You were pregnant. You didn't know how too feel. On one side you felt overjoyed that you were going to have a little baby but on the other side you were terrified, you hadn't even turned 20 yet!

You rushed off to tell Fred. You vividly remember him saying he was going to the room of requirement the last time you spoke so, surely he was still there?

You started walking to the room of requirement, slowly but surely you got closer and closer to the room. All of a sudden you heard a bang, you obviously became increasingly concerned about Fred.

You ran to the room of requirement as fast as you possibly could and you saw Fred lying on the floor. You couldn't tell if he was breathing or not so you burst into tears.

"No, this can't be happening." you sobbed "I can't afford to lose you after all this time."

"Fred, please don't leave me. I don't want to lose you." you cried, not knowing that what you were about to say would change the future.

"I'm pregnant and I can't raise a child on my own! I need you." you spoke softly as you put a hand on  his chest. But, as you did, you felt something... It was his heart.

You heard someone grunt, but the sound was familiar, it sounded like Fred" you eyes darted up to his which were now slightly open.

"Y/N, what happened?" he breathed

"Fred! My god I thought you were dead!" you responded as he wiped the tears off your face

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