Chapter One

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Chapter One:

 IMA TELL YOU ONE TIME! My alarm started  blasting Justin Bieber. I dreaded waking up early but it was worth is because I’m going on a trip with my friends, Becca, Robert, Zach, Jana, Tyler, Dana and my best friend, Austin. We were going to Port A because we haven’t all hung out with each other for awhile. I shut my alarm off and sat up on my bed, while checking my twitter.

“goodmorning sleeping beauty! Haha” Austin said to me as he walked into my room and jumped on my bed, him and my cousin alex are best friends, so Austin practically lived at our house.

“what do you want? I have to get packed and shower and stuff..” I asked, grabbing a bag from my closet and throwing it on the floor while plopping myself next to it, making myself pack.

“I was thinking we could plan to play a game tonight at the beach house with everyone!” he jumped up and grabbed a piece of paper. “maybe like truth or dare or something!”

“you seem to be excited.. lol lets play truth or dare!” I didn’t even look up at him cause I needed to pack since  it was already 10 and we were leaving at 11:30 and I wasn’t packed at all and I still needed to shower “Austin get out! I need to shower and get ready! I only have an hour and a half!”

“ughhhh, ok ok well when your done come down stairs and play some xbox with me!” he leaped off my bed and ran downstairs joining alex on the couch. I finish up my packing and quickly get into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body, trying to wake myself up. I sat there for 20 minutes just thinking about how much fun this trip was going to be, I eventually jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my self and combing my hair while walking out of the bathroom. I turned on my iphone and blasted music not caring that alex and Austin were downstairs. I picked out my denim shorts, red tank that has a blue elephant on it then I put on my makeup, I litely put on black eyeliner then applied my warm beige foundation on.  

“baby you’re my one love my one heart my one life for sure! Let me tell you one time, girl I love girl I love you!”

“what are you doing? Hahahhahaha” I turned around and saw zach and his girlfriend, Dana, laughing their asses off.

“DANI! ZACH!” I ran over to her and gave Dana a huge hug and then zach, “I missed you guys so much! Lets go downstairs and wait for everyone else, I wanna beat Austin on xbox!!” I threw my makeup in my bag and slipped on my flip flops, “ready?!” I ran downstairs following dana and zach. Austin was in front of the tv laughing at alex while alex screamed at the tv.

“NO! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” alex yelled, throwing the controller on the floor, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing

“hahah your so weird alex! Oh crap! I forgot my iphone upstairs! Be right back!” I ran up the stairs and  dove onto my bed where my phone was. I checked my scrolled down my timeline on twitter, forgetting that we were about to leave since Becca, Robert, Jana, and Tyler were almost here. I don’t know how long I was on my phone for, it felt like an hour. All of a sudden someone ran and jumped on me, I screamed and dropped my phone, which pissed me off since I just got it and had paid for it myself. I looked up to see who it was….

“AUSTIN! WHAT THE HELL!” I yelled but started laughing. I pushed him off, then grabbing my phone off the floor, I rolled back on the bed next to Austin. “what are you even doing up here, weren’t you playing x-box?” I asked him, still laughing for no reason haha

“id rather be up here with you” he sat up on the bed and looked at me, “ya know, tay. Im glad you’re my best friend. I wouldn’t be the same without you” he had a huge grin plastered on him face, he was one of the sweetest guys I knew. I smiled and looked down when he said that, it was too cute! Haha

Austin’s point of view:

“what are you even doing up here, weren’t you playing x-box?” she asked me like she didn’t know the answer, why wouldn’t I wanna be up here with her? shes amazing.

“id rather be up here with you” I sat up and looked her in the eyes “ya know, tay. Im glad you’re my best friend. I wouldn’t be the same without you” I wanted to tell her so much more.. but the words don’t come out right.. should I tell her I like her?...

hope you guys like it! tweet me @lovejustin1246

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All I Need(Austin Mahone fan fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora