Ace and Davis

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I woke up to my 12 year-old brother screaming and crying. Mother had gone out to sell our lumber to peace keepers and father went to chop more.

"Davis be quiet! We have 3 more hours before we need to wake up." I mumbled this knowing even if Davis heard this it wouldn't matter, he'd still cry.

"Aa-aa-ace ca-an you come here" Davis tried to cry out a question to me from across the floor.

"I'm on my way Davis" I shuffled across the downstairs and into my brothers room and sat on the bed.

"Whats the matter Davie?" I already knew why he was crying but I wanted to make conversation.

"To-to-today's the re-re-reaping. Wha-what if they call m-me?" Davis started bawling again.

"They won't I promise! Nothing can take you into those killing arenas. They will never be able to take you away from me." I started shouting towards the end scaring Davis even more.

As he bawled he choked out all the what if's he could think of. I couldn't blame him. I took my first reaping even harder. I couldn't stand the merciless killing, back stabbing, and even though I haven't gotten picked in the five years I've been eligible I've trained like a mad man. I stole my fathers axe when I was thirteen and chopped down as many trees as I could by dawn. When father found out he was proud but cautious getting me a childs axe. Mother thought it would be good for me so when I turned fifteen my parents chopped and sold twice the amount demanded just to buy me my own full sized axe.

"No, no, no, no, no Ace that was the first horn we have to get ready, i cant go ace, i can't I can't." Davis started bawling again. While the tears streamed down his face I made a silent promise to never let them take him from me.


A/N sorry for such a short chapter! I just thought this would be a good stoping point. I'll post another or maby even another two bye the end of next week. Thanks guys! And shoutout to @seemerawr be being awesome and letting me use a character based off of her. The offer for adding a character is still open! Bye! Thanks guys!

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