"Back Story- Inanna and Aya

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Inanna- I-nah-nay=Nickname: Ina- Eye-nah

Aya- Eye-ah

Inanna's pov


I was 7 when my parents were killed. The epidemic that struck was harsh. Killing hundreds of people in my District. 11 wasn't the only one hit. But was the one that was hit the hardest.

"Ina, I can't fit into this dress!! Ughh!" I was snapped out of my stupor when my younger "sister" threw up her hands in distress.

"Aya I told you that one wouldn't fit! I bought you a new one. It's on the kitchen counter." I replied with the twinge of an 'I told you' so attitude.

Aya isn't really my sister. When the epidemic hit ten years ago her entire family passed away. Even though the sickness targeted mainly adults many children were killed too. Aya lost her mother, father, twin sister, and younger brother. I found her crying on the street next to them. she was five and even though I was only seven, I vowed right then and there to protect her till the end of our lives.

"Ina is this one?" Aya walked wearing the blue and yellow dress I bought for her a few days earlier.

"Yes and my goodness don't you look grown up!" I was so proud of my Aya but also scared of what might happen today.

Today was the reaping. Well the second reaping. The Capitol randomly selects six districts to send two girls and two boys to fight to the death. One boy and one girl get to come home. But they have to be from the same district. It's all pointless to me. Senseless killing is all it is. If it wasn't for Aya I might just run.

"IIIINNNNAAA!!!!!! That was the horn we got to go!" Aya was stuffing her fave with freshly made rice when she yelled for me from the kitchen.

"Aya I told you. we don't have much food this year. This is all we have until next month." I scolded her for once again eating more then allotted a day.

"alright but we need to hurry!! That was the second horn. We're going to be late!!" Aya was excited a lot but never for the reaping I wondered why.

"Aya why are you excited?" I wondered out loud as she dragged me to the Justice building.

" I just want to get this over with" She said all too fast. either she was plotting, planning, or just being plain sneaky.

"Whatever you say" I knew something was up but I just couldn't figure out what.

Effie Trinket walked on stage with the cheesiest of faces. Almost as if her smile was glued to her face. She said the normal happy hunger games, may the odds be in your favor crap. Then came something new. We don't usually get films from the capitol but Effie seemed particularly excited about this. Turns out it was nothing. Just a reminder of why we do the games. I quickly scanned the 14 year-old section my eye locking on Aya's platinum blonde braid. She turned to look at me while Effie had moved on to pick the two girls name's and Aya smiled. Our short moment was interrupted.

"AYA WALKER" Effie half shouted through the microphone.

Aya smile vanished. Her head whipped around and she shook. It was terrifying. I didn't know what I was doing until I did it. You are only allowed to volunteer as tribute if you are family. if not you can volunteer as a protector taking the second girl/guys spot allowing you both to come home if you survive

"I volunteer, I volunteer as protector!" Aya looked at me like she was a deer caught in the headlights. She shook her head as if to tell me to take it back.

It was too late. We both were already being ushered to the front of the stage. Then Effie introduced us and moved on to the boys. Most everything after that was blurry. I did manage to make out the name Thresh and Mark. I've met Thresh before. He has a deep voice and is about as friendly as a grizzly bear. I'll try to see if we can get him as an ally.

Before I know it I'm being pushed into a train and sent to a bedroom with a dinner try next to a big bed with the softest of sheets. I look at the food and breath in the sent of freshly cooked meat before practically inhaling it. I almost fell asleep before Aya walked in quietly. She sat down on the edge of the bed and asked why I volunteered. She scolded me and told me I shouldn't have.

"I had a birthday party planned. but we'll be in the games when you turn." Aya almost started crying.

"I'm sorry I had to miss it." Tears started to drop down my face as well.

"Why did you do it. I'm going to die anyway.

"Aya I had to. I vowed to protect you. your not dying and I'm not dropping a promise because one of got reaped."

Aya replied with "I understand. I just keep thinking, what if you die. What if I die? What if-"

I cut her off before she could finish "What if, what if, what if. What if we win and we go home?"

"But what if we don't?" I could see tears forming in Aya's eyes.

"Let's just enjoy our time in the capital and worry about the rest later. Come here." I motioned for to crawl in bed with me and she snuggled up against me. I threw an arm around her protectively until she fell asleep. Even though I told Aya not to worry, I couldn't help but to wonder, What If?


A/N: Hai! I'm new at the whole writing stories thing. please comment if I make any mistakes, vote if you like the chapter and follow me if you like my other story The Alice Project. I decided to start this book because I had a bit of writers block on the other one. if you would like a character based off of you please comment a name, a small backstory, and age, and a district. I might change the district if all the spaces are filled. Thanks!!!

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