"Guess what?" "What?" "I love you!" ":O"

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Renee liked visiting Dave, it was her favourite thing to do since she loved him with all her heart. Dave always knew about her visiting beforehand and decided that they'd go to the park this time, which Renee obviously agreed to.

When they arrived at the park, Renee was fidgeting with her hands. I mean, for her it was the actual first time loving someone dearly. Dave noticed her odd behaviour and asked if she was okay, which Renee responded with a "Yes." He was confused but dismissed it. She took a deep breath and spoke. "H-Hey Dave, guess wh-what?" She stuttered. "What?" Dave replied. She inched closer to his face and muttered the words "I love you!" and kissed his forehead.

Dave's face let off a surprised tone but after that forehead smooch, he was sure as red as a strawberry. "I-I love you too!" He exclaimed and hugged Renee with all his might.

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