Giggles and Laughter

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The door of an abandoned bar flew open as Kurogiri and Dabi walks in, everyone inside turned to them.

"What took ya' so long?" Toga asked with a pout as her eyes averted to the blanket in Dabi's arms, "And what'dya got there?" She proceeded to reach a hand out to poke it, only to be lightly suprised when the scarred man in front of her carefully pulled back.

Shigaraki lightly scratches his neck as he stares at Dabi who still stood by the doorway as Kurogiri proceeds to walk behind the bar counter and wipe glasses. He could notice that the scarred man was on guard and protective over the blanket. He huffed and spoke, "Why did you bring a piece of trash in here and be so protective of it."

Dabi turns to look at the pale man with narrowed eyes and annoyance, "It's not trash you dry roach." He spat

Shigaraki simply grumbled under his breath and vigurously scratch his neck, causing red lines and blood to come out.

"Why is it so important then?" Toga piped out and continued to try and poke the dirty cloth, only for Dabi to pull it away once again, "If a dirty blanket means that much to you, then we wanna know!"

"Yeah!" Twice suddenly spoke out, "What's so important about that damn blanket, huh?"

Dabi was hesitant to speak. He turned to Kurogiri who gave him a reasuring nod. He then turned back to the small group of people who were staring at him, waiting for an answer. Slowly and hesitantly, he pulls off a small flap of the blanket to reveal the face of the baby.

The room turned dead silent. Shigaraki stared at the baby with wide eyes like it was an unknown species while Twice stared in shock. Mr. Compress who stayed silent the entire time, dropped the shot glass with liquor in his hand and shattering it to the ground. Kurogiri and Dabi were paying close attention to everyone's reaction, ready if anyone tried to jump and attemp to kill the small child.

The silence was then cut when Toga jumped and squeeled in joy. "A baby!" She grinned from ear to ear as she quickly moves her head in front of the baby's face. Dabi instinctively moved back, only for the girl to follow closely and not take her eyes off of the warmly wrapped baby.

Toga grinned a menacing grin that made her eyes turn into cresents, the baby could only stare at her with curious eyes as it continues to raise and furrow it's brows. Toga pouts, "It's not scared?" She asked with a light huff, "That's laaame.."

Shigaraki scoffed, "So now you're ripping pregnant women open and kidnapping their child?" He mockingly asked, "You were simply ordered to kill the Nakashimas, not bring whatever creature you're carrying."

Dabi growled, "I didn't rip open anyone you dumb unhydrated rat."

As the two continue to bicker, mr. Compress walks up to Dabi and crouch down to get a better view of the small baby. "My... why, aren't you the cutest little thing." He lowly says.

He noticed how round yet sharp it's amber eyes were- they looked like glass from how shiny they looked. It's hair was also quite eye-catching, seeing as it's front hairlines were the darkest of black while the rest of it's hair was either a light silver or white. It's skin was also fair with it's cheeks and lips a tint of pink.

He lowkey tried to scare it and make it cry with the mask he wore, which would be considered creepy and scary for young children. "Boo!" He whispered, but loud enough for it to somehow scare it with his hands in a popping motion. The baby lightly jumped and close it's eyes from suprise.

The masked man smiled behind his mask to see that the baby looked like it was about to cry from how fast it was blinking. He waited for a sob to be heard, only to be suprised when the baby started giggling and laughing with light hiccups.

Dabi and Shigaraki were cut off from their bickering as soon as they heard the laughing. Everyone stared at the small baby who continues to laugh, showing them it's toothless and gummy smile.

A smile tugs on Dabi lips.

"Can we keep it?!" Toga bounced with a smile and clap and turned to Shigaraki, "can we, can we, can we???" She asked with puppy eyes, "pleaaaseee!"

Shigaraki only huffed. To say he wanted the child gone wasn't entirely true. "Fine." He mumbled.

"YES!" Toga then proceeded to run up to him and enfuldge him in a back bear hug. "Get off me you crazy woman!" Shigaraki groaned. "Thank youuu!" Toga said with a wide grin.

After everyone agreed and allowed for Dabi to keep the baby, said man walked up to his room and put the small baby in the middle of his bed. He unwrapped it from it's blanket to just now notice it was in a white onsie with small black dots. It giggles from finally being able to move it's limbs, lightly kicking it's small, socked feet and continuously raise it's gloved hands and down to it's belly.

Dabi stood up from his bed and walked out of his room and back down to grab a glass of water and straw.

"It's crazy how that baby isn't scared by any one of us." Twice spoke up in his stool before downing a shot of whiskey.

"Must be broken." Shigaraki grumbled as he continues to scratch his neck.

"What's with the straw?" Toga asked and stares at the glass filled with water and straw in Dabi's hands, catching the attention of everyone else in the room.

Dabi looks down at the glass then back at Toga, "so the baby can drink."

Everyone showed an amused look. Dabi wasn't really one to care at anything, he was more of a 'not my problem' type, so seeing him as simply as fetching a glass of water and straw for someone not him was quite weird and suprising.

"Shouldn't it need milk?" Mr. Compress asked, earning a sigh from the scarred man, "We don't have any, and I don't think goat's milk is what it needs." Dabi says as he eyes the cartoon of milk in the glass fridge along with the bottles of beer Kurogiri kept stock of. "I'll buy some in a pharmacy store or something later." He said and lazily waved his hand as he walks back up to his room.

After closing the door behind him, he imediately notices the terrible smell that was suddenly in his room that nearly made him vomit. He quickly turned to the baby lying on his bed to see if it was okay, to see a big smile on it's face as it released a giggle along with a loud, watery fart, the smell getting stronger.

He gagged, quickly putting the glass down on the drawer just near the door and quickly walked out to get out of the smelling room.

I wasn't ready for this shit!

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