Little Tsukki : Babysitters

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In this Tsukki and Yamaguci are together. Tsukki is the little and usually Yamaguci cared for him, but for now he's busy out of town. Tsukki goes to Daichi and Sugamama for obvious reasons, accidentally texting the group chat about it. No one else knew he was a little, but other team members are littles so they're supportive.

Daichi and Suga are used to the little calling them Dabi and Sugi. Spelling was NOT an easy task once he was in headspace.

Tsukki woke up feeling awful. He felt sick to his tummy, his head was killing him, and he just felt like everything was burning. He hated it. He whimpered, remembering he was home alone. No parent, no brother... And no dada. It was Saturday, luckily, so no school either. But the little didn't want to be alone. It just got worse when the little sat up and realized his diaper was soaked. He sobbed, immediately reaching for his phone. He rubbed his eyes and hugged his Dino stuffie, Albert. He meant to text his, Suga, Daichi and Dada's small group chat, but accidentally clicked the volleyball chat.

Hewp peas 😢

Everyone is online

What's wrong little one? You okay?

What's up, bud?

Nee hewp 😭

Awe, we'll be over as soon as possible Angel. What's wrong?

Do you feel okay, little one?

Everyone is reading the texts, letting it all play out.

Nu 🥺

Awe, we'll bring medicine for you baby. Just stay in bed okay?


Everyone found it cute how Tsukki used his emojis. And how he texted in baby talk.

Suga, Daichi and Tsukki are offline.

That was the cutest thing I've ever seen Tsukki do.

Cutie little bean... I hope he's feeling better soon


Tsukki waited a while before Suga and Daichi showed up. Tsukki had managed to unlock the back door for them, almost vomiting in the process. "Hey baby, you okay?" Suga asks softly, frowning when all he got was a whimper in reply. Daichi gently felt his forehead, frowning as well. "Poor little thing has a fever..." Suga noticed a wet spot on Tsukishima's sheets. "Tsukki, baby did you have an accident?" The poor little started to cry again. "Ms sowwy!" Daichi was quick to comfort the little, reassuring him nothing was wrong. Daichi hated seeing the littles upset, everyone knew this. "Why don't Sugi and I get you out of that nasty diaper, yeah little one?"

Tsukki nods, whimpering and squirming uncomfortably. Suga easily changes the blonde and Daichi easily changes the little into comfortable pjs. He figured the pee covered onesie was not helping anymore. The two kiss Tsukishima's forehead and Suga gives him the medicine they'd bought. Suga helps the little take it while Daichi strips the bed of its wet sheets and blanket and walks off to wash them. After Tsukki takes his medicine, Suga takes him down to the living room. There, the two snuggled while Suga put on cartoons.

Daichi walked over and smiled, finding Tsukki curled into Suga's chest with Albert in his arms. He didn't mind it at all. Suga absolutely loved caring for Tsukishima when Yamaguci couldn't, and Daichi loved seeing Suga so excited over it. Though he wouldn't admit it, Daichi did also love caring for Tsukishima. He was just too adorable! Daichi sits with the two, rubbing Tsukki's back some.

After a few episodes of cartoons, Tsukki asked Suga for food. Daichi figured the little hadn't eaten yet and nodded. "I'll make something." He says getting up so Suga wouldn't have to. Suga nods. "Make sure it won't upset his tummy more." Daichi nods and goes to the kitchen.

Tsukki sniffled, watching another episode of cartoons before Daichi came out with a bowl of soup and some saltines. Tsukishima ate happily, soon sitting on the ground as he did while Suga tried calling Yamaguci. It worked, and Suga came back with a big smile. "Tsukki, hun, you wanna talk to Yamaguci?" The little's eyes light up. "Dada?" Suga nods and gives Tsukishima the phone, smiling when he squealed happily.

"Dada?" "Hey baby! Suga San says you're not feeling too well. You okay?" Yamaguci asks, earning a happy giggle. "Mhm.. miss dada." Yamaguci laughs, reassuring him he'd be able to see him soon. The two happily talked for a whole before Yamaguci had to go and Tsukki got sleepy. Tsukki took a good nap while Suga and Daichi watched over him, knowing the little would panic if he woke up alone like he did that morning.

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