CHAPTER 8: Memories ✔️

Start from the beginning

That memory was relatively short. How do I get stuck in these time warps?

"That's better than last time," I say positively. My record is three days of unconsciousness.

"I was really worried about you," she says. "Daniel was too, but he had to take the kids home."

"How are they?" I ask.

"Mia is too young to understand what's going on, but Blake and Teresa were scared," Mrs. Williams replies. "They really care about you and whenever you are in hospital even Blake gets quiet."

Blake is a hyperactive twelve-year-old with a lot of personality.

"Well, I'm alright now," I say. "They can release me."

"Not until the doctor approves," she insists.

It takes forty minutes for Dr. Lennox to get here and approve me for release.

I text Julie, Out of the hospital. Let the boys know.

She replies, 'kay. They're really worried about you ❤

A part of me wants one of them to be particularly worried. I dismiss that as anger at Luke for triggering my episode.

"It was nice to see that you made some friends," Mrs. Williams says. "Julie and Flynn visited you after school."

"That's nice," I reply.

"I'm glad they helped you get into the music program," she continues, trying to carry the conversation. "What's this about a band that I heard?"

"Umm...Julie met some guys from Sweden on social media and they started a band," I lie. "Then I joined. They play as holograms and Julie projects them onto the stage."

"That sounds so cool! I would love to see you perform sometime," she says with a smile. "The whole family would."

Family. I am a part of their family because my family might not be alive anymore.

"Yeah," I say. "If we play a local gig I'll let you know, Mrs. Williams."

"You know you can call me Taylor," she replies familiarly. "We don't need that formality. Or you could call me Mom if that's better."

"I don't know." I hang my head, mind focused on the flashback.

"Oh, that's alright." She rubs my back with her right hand, left hand still on the wheel. "Call me what you like, okay?"

"Okay," I say softly.

"You must be exhausted," she realizes, "I'll stop asking questions and you can go to sleep in your room when we get home."

When I get to my room I let out a small scream. A hand muffles it, preventing my foster family from hearing it.

"Shhh," Luke comforts, "it's just me."

"And me!" Reggie and Alex add at the same time.

What the heck? I thought I was being kidnapped!

"We wanted to see you after Julie said you were coming home," Alex tells me, his blue eyes soft pools of sympathy. "So, how are you?"

I put my hand over my heart which is beating quickly after how they scared me. Holding up a finger for them to wait, I take a deep breath before replying.

"Tired," I say, moving over to lay on my bed. "Also, mad at Luke."

"I'm seriously so, so sorry," Luke apologizes, lying on the bed next to me. "All I wanted was to make you feel better."

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