The first day Part 2

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Grey's POV:

The alarm is blaring. I'm so tired. I look over to ' the clock it's only 6:00am.....5 more minutes wouldn't hurt. I lay back down for a bit more sleep. I wake up to my mom ( I am referring to his creator foreverafterall if The gender is wrong plz forgive me I don't know their actual gender) "GREY WAKE UP!!! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!" I look at the time. It can't be that late. It's just 7:40....7:40?! OH SHIT OH SHIT I'N GONNA MISS THE BUS!!!! SHIIIT! I jump out of bed. "Finally...."Mom sighs." I hurry up and get ready. "GREY, WAIT!" My mom yells but the buss will be at the stop in 5 minutes. Luckily the bus is just pulling up.

I run on the bus and sit by my friend Red. Red started laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask him. He points at my feet. I look down and SHIT! I'm wearing my mom's shoes! I look back at Red who looks like their getting a kick out of my misery. "Yeah, how's Blue?" His face flushed and you could see his face growing red. He punched me after. For a such a short person he can really throw a punch.

"Well shut up would you dumbass?" He was pissed. I laughed. His reaction was priceless. The bus stops and we get off and head off to the office to get our schedules. "So what's your first class?" Red asks me. "I have astrology with Mr.Dream. You?" "Drama with Mettaton." I start laughing. Mettaton is a bit over the top about everything. So that will be interesting. We part ways and I head off to Astrology when I bump into someone.

____________________________________ 291 words... not that bad. Sorry I didn't post lately some technical deficiencies that have been taken care of. I actually didn't expect anybody to read this so..., thanks for the people who actually liked this. Well that's all for now, I'll update in a few . See you later! Bye! (⌐■_)

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