Chapter 18: The spy next door

Start from the beginning

He also seemed to have an accent. I couldn't quite put my finger on whether it was an Australian or New Zealand accent.

"I'm your new neighbour, I just moved in next door." He elaborated.

I mouthed a 'oh', feeling a little more comfortable.

"Nice to meet you." I answered. "Welcome to the neighborhood."

I open the door wider, putting myself in a more comfortable position.

"I come bearing gifts,"he said holding out the small box in his hand. "I brought some cupcakes," he said, his smile widening.

"You shouldn't have bothered." I said declining the cupcakes.

I felt it was weird that he was bringing me cupcakes. I didn't know him.

"Nonsense," he said dismissive. "Can I come in?" he asked, once again forming a grin on his face.

"I'm kinda a little--" I said trailing off.

"Thank you," he said.

Before I could react, he moved past me, walking into my house.

I hadn't even given him the permission enter. I was still busy telling him how 'busy' I was when you rudely entered.

I slammed the door behind him aggravated.

"You have a lovely home," he said taking a look around.

I sighed.

He was already inside, there wasn't much I could do. Hopefully next time I could pretend I wasn't at home.

"This way," I said leading him to the living room.

Although he didn't seem to care much, I felt embarrassed by the mess in my living room. He turned around in a circle taking in the 'view'.

"I'm sorry everything is such a mess it's usually much tidier in here." I said.

"My house is usually messier," he said, somehow making me feel a little at ease.

We sat down on separate couches.

He placed the box of cupcakes on the table.

"So, are you from around here?" I asked.

"No, I've just recently moved here from New Zealand. I got a job offer here," he answered.

"How are you liking America so far?" I asked.

"It's different," he started. "I don't know that many people here, so I was hoping for someone to show me around." He said.

I remained quiet as I slowly nodded.

I knew he was definitely hinting that I show him around. I know that I had just dropped to a new level of boredom, but I hadn't reached rock bottom yet.

"Thank you for inviting me in, it was nice meeting you," he said getting up.

"You're welcome," I muttered, meaning to be sarcastic.

"I hope you enjoy the cupcakes," he said pointing to the box on the table. "You can always count on me for anything if you need any help." He said.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said with a thumbs up.

I walked him to the door. We exchanged hugs and goodbyes.

I waited until he was in his apartment, just to make sure he lived next door.

I went back to my living room. I needed to put some order into my life.

I swept up the room and even vacuumed the couch. Dirty places often made me depressed, which was what I was heading to. I packed everything in its rightful place.

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