Skip a few weeks

I put aster down for her nap and i get up going down stairs and i start cleaning around the house taking the trash out . And i do the laundry and i sit on the washing machine to lazy to move i lean my head on the wall closing my eyes

Daniel : I've been looking for u
Tegan : is aster ok
Daniel ; shes asleep
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : why are u here
Tegan : in tired aster desied to wake up at 5 and refuse to go back to sleep so i got up with her we played she ran around and when i tried putting her down for a nap at 12 still didn't wanna sleep . But at 1 finally got her to sleep been tidying can't be botherd to move from here
Daniel : ok that was lot but fair enough

He sits next me

Tegan ; why can i see the machine collapsing with us on it
Daniel ; it probley would but oh well
Tegan ; it would be a hell of a lot of money
Daniel : i have money
Tegan ; luckey u
Daniel : your a model I'm sure u have money
Tegan : i do
Daniel : so we can pay if we break it
Tegan : or we can just get off so we don't break it
Daniel : or that
Tegan : piggy back please pleaseee
Daniel : fine

He gets off and he gives me a piggy back to the sofa and i pull him down

Tegan : ah
Daniel : your fault

We both start laughing

Tegan ; yh i know
Daniel : bet u regret doing that
Tegan ; i do sorry for pulling u down
Daniel : sorry for squashing u
Tegan : all good

He looks at me

Tegan : what
Daniel : nothing
Tegan : well clearly its not nothing is there something on my face
Daniel : no
Tegan : then what

He leans in and kisses me and i kiss him

Tegan : what was that for
Daniel : i don't know
Tegan : ok

He leans in and kisses me again and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw and he swips his tonge against my lips and  i open up and we fightfor denomination and he wins .

Daniel : do u want to go upstairs
Tegan ; yh

We get up going upstairs to his room and i kiss him and he kisses me back and we get to bed and he lays me down and i pull his shirt off And he pulls my shirt off and he starts kissing my neck finding my sweet spot

And u know what happend

Tegan : jeuse
Daniel : better then your last time
Tegan ; 1000% better i don't anything can be worse then my last time
Daniel ; yh and Im probley the best u had
Tegan : and u had to rewin the moment

He starts laughing

Daniel : sorry
Tegan ; should be

Aster then starts crying

Daniel ; i got her

He get out of bed getting dressed and walking out and i get out of bed getting dressed and i walk out

Tegan ; hello
Aster : caty
Daniel ; lets see if caty here

We go down stairs and i make a bottle  and they play with cat cause she was here and i go to the back yard calling Justin

Justin : everything ok
Tegan ; yh everything's fine
Justin : ok how is aster
Tegan : yh she's good she just woke up from a nap now playing with the cat with Daniel
Justin : aw
Tegan ; yh
Justin : is there anything i can help u with
Tegan : i just need to tell u something
Justin : ok
Tegan : a few weeks ago me and daniel kissed but i said forget about it
Justin ; ok
Tegan : and today we slept together and i feel like u need to know because were meant to be here to protect aster . Not to sleep around with each other and I'm gonna be honest i like him
Justin : thank u for telling me
Tegan : i don't know how u feel about that
Justin : I'd rather if it didn't happen again but i can't stop u as I'm not there and obviously feelings are invloved .
Tegan : yh
Justin ; do u think it will happen again
Tegan : no because i don't think he likes me in that way i think it was just a one time thing for him which is fair enough .
Justin : ok
Tegan : Justin i think i should leave
Justin : u want to leave
Tegan ; yh I'm not a supernatural i don't feel like I'm any help if something were to happen again
Justin ; u would be help but i under stand when do u wanna leave
Tegan ; tomrrow
Justin : ok thank u for looking after aster for me it means a lot a lot more then you'll ever know
Tegan ; thank u for trusting me with her theses past few weeks have been fun shes an amzing little girl and i can't wait when u can finally take her home
Justin : i can't either
Tegan : will u be able to find someone
Justin : yes right I'll let u go pack
Tegan ; ok see u soon
Justin : bye

I hang up i walk inside

Tegan ; I'm gonna make dinner
Daniel ; ok

I go to the kitchen cooking dinner and we all ate and we watched a little tv and then aster went to bed

Daniel : sleepie
Tegan : shatterd jeuse Christ
Daniel : go to bed early
Tegan ; i will
Daniel : maybe i can join u
Tegan : u go to bed late
Daniel ; I'll go to bed when u do
Tegan ; if u want to
Daniel ; i do
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : sleep well tonight with company
Tegan : it will be the only night
Daniel : no
Tegan ; yh cause i leave tomrrow not unless anther girl comes and u share a bed with her
Daniel ; wait wait go back u leave tomrrow
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; what why
Tegan ; when aster got found i didn't feel like i was any help and i won't be help if she got found again . So i told Justin I'm gonna leave tomrrow and hes fine with it
Daniel ; u were help u got aster away when someone found her don't go
Tegan : I'm going
Daniel : no
Tegan : yes
Daniel : please don't
Tegan : I'm leaving tomrrow
Daniel ; I'm gonna be stuck with some newbie
Tegan : oh well
Daniel : mean
Tegan : ok
Daniel ; and i won't share a bed with someone else I'd much rather it be u i like u

I nod my head

Daniel : i don't mean like u as a frined i like u more then a frined and I've always said I'd never fall for a human . But i like u i like your feistyness and how most of the time u put me in my place
Tegan : shut up
Daniel ; no i won't shut up after god knows how long i finally made my second move and told u how i finally feel . I'm telling u how i feel about u
Tegan : why when I'm leaving u tell me u like me
Daniel ; because i thought today's the day u can reject me if u want i can compell u to forget i told u i liked u .
Tegan : i like u too and have u ever compelled me
Daniel : no
Tegan ; u better of fucking not
Daniel : so u like me
Tegan : yes but u still annoy me and fuck u
Daniel : be seroise
Tegan : i can't be in theses situations I'm nervous
Daniel : well don't be
Tegan : like thats gonna help saying don't be
Daniel ; sorry
Tegan : mmm
Daniel : what now
Tegan : i don't know
Daniel ; well do u want to be together see how things go because now yoir leaving
Tegan : why don't we see where things go mean. Girl could come here and u fall for her
Daniel : I'm a one girl kinda guy trust me i would never be with someone and cheat never

I nod my head

Daniel : we can just see how it goes
Tegan : ok
Daniel : hate how your leaving
Tegan : sorry
Daniel : better be
Tegan : yh
Daniel : lets go to bed so we can cuddle
Tegan ; ok

We get up going upstairs and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs.

Daniel : lay down
Tegan : i need to pack
Daniel ; do it tomrrow mean u don't have time u have to leave tomrrow
Tegan : fine

I get in bed

Tegan ; nighty night
Daniel : night

He kisses my cheek and i cuddle into him

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