Chapter 2

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Skye's POV

Today I the last night of my mission and all I have to do is do the big finale of the show, then leave because I've already got all of the info on Hydra in which we needed. But the best thing about this mission is the people I meet they are all so nice, well the ones who aren't Hydra that is.

Ward's POV

The past few days have been a blur everything is so different, but that's ok because I got more time to think about Skye. I miss her so much, but she's also doing great on her mission and todays the last day and then I get to see her.

Coulson POV

Ward has been acting very strange since I let him join the team, but I'm assuming its got something to do with Skye. I know for a fact she still loves him and vice versa. Lets just hope the end of the mission goes well, because for some reason something doesn't feel right.

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