Character biographies + greeting

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Hi I'm Sachi, I'm just here to tell the story, but I would like comments and votes. I have a busy life so I'm never sure when I'll update. So, here goes!

Characteristics of characters
All age 16

Ivy: shy, smart, bookworm, sassy once u get to know her or if u annoy her, sarcastic, lovable

Sara: outgoing enthusiastic, jock girl, nice

Kloey: shy, nice, quiet, speaks rarely around people she doesn't like or know

Mariah: sensitive, childish, funny, great sense of humor, sarcastic

Zane: guy at the back of the classroom, detention caller, bully/not so much once you get to know him

Adam: class clown, make you laugh no matter what, attention lover, complicated family history

Marco: the guy in your class who never talks to anyone but the teach and his friends

Tyler: smart, bookworm, sarcastic, rude, superviser in classroom, liked by some, hated by few, not known by many

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